MSD Project P10236: Configurable Control Platform for Unmanned Vehicles Project Introduction P10236 Introduction
Presentation Topics The Need for P10236 Objectives and Deliverables History of Project Family Customer Needs and Engineering Specifications Risks Concept Development and Selection External Benchmarking P10236 Introduction
The Need for P10236 UAV has completed 1 st -generation airframe Next phase: control electronics – P09233: Aircraft Controls, initial interface work – P09122: MAV II, highly successful integration Extend previous efforts to increase system flexibility, ease of integration, configurability Harris Corporation, RF Division P10236 Introduction
Our Objective A control electronics product that: – Provides a processing core on which to run control code from compiled Simulink control models – Interfaces with a configurable variety of I/O sensors and peripherals for multiple vehicle types – Is highly modular: measurement, filtering, processing, and command functions being separable and independent, but easily integrated – Is accurate, “black box” package, highly flexible P10236 Introduction
Deliverables A control unit to store and run Simulink code Highly modular unit that is easy to implement in multiple or at least in the RIT UAV Design and Programming Documentation P10236 Introduction
UAV Ambitions were to measure GPS, velocity, altitude, roll, yaw, pitch, and power consumption Full IMU and control system were never planned on being developed Microcontroller approach – Could have worked Project and Family History
Problems Team lacked programming experience to implement things on the MCU MCU Dev board was damaged while attempting to fit it in their case Group was unable to read samples from IMU, and was unable to write GPS data to SD card reliably Project and Family History
Lessons learned An MCU approach is feasible and should be considered Care should be taken when modifying prebuilt board or laying out a custom board Team had a decent sensor outfit Enclosure was engineered very well Project and Family History
MAV2 - P09122 Took softcore on FPGA approach – One core devoted to gathering data from sensors (GPS, IMU) – Other core devoted to running control system code and outputting actuator commands Control system was meant to stabilize flight controls Designed gimbal to test sensor data Control system was modeled and exported from Simulink Project and Family History
Problems Autocode generator didn’t generate code that could be compiled and ran on their softcore Precision and fixed point architecture conflicted with Simulink’s expectations of a target architecture Project and Family History
Lessons Learned FPGA solution is feasible Split softcore approach is of interest Architecture and compiler toolchain should be selected to be compatible with Realtime Workshop generated code Project and Family History
Other projects Data Acquisition P09311 explored, but scope and objectives fundamentally different. Project and Family History
Customer Needs Engineering Specs (See EDGE_MASTER_SHEETS.xlsSee EDGE_MASTER_SHEETS.xls – Customer Needs Tab (“1”) – Engineering Metrics Tab (“5”) – Needs to Metrics Mapping Tab (“5b”)
P10236 – Versatile Adaptive Controller P09233 – Airframe Measurements P10231 – Airframe Telemetry Measurement Unit (MU) FPGA / DSP / MC Input: Known Type Output: Known Comm Protocol Actuator Unit (AU) Controller Unit (CU) ServoCmd_1 ServoCmd_2 ServoCmd_3 ThrottleCmd e.g. GPS IMU Tach Altitude e.g. ServoPos_2 Motor Curr ServoPos_3 ServoPos_1 Battery Volt INPUTS Digital Serial Analog (PWM) Analog CameraLink (or CCD) FPGA / DSP / MC Matlab / Simulink Autocode Internal DAQ (SD card) External Simulink Code Interface Telemetry FPGA / DSP / MC Measurements Imagery Measurements Imagery Measurements Imagery Int. Control Variables Actuator Commands Measurements Imagery Int. Control Variables Actuator Commands Ground Commands Waypoints Servo Cmds. Take Image Ground Commands Waypoints Servo Cmds. Take Image Imagery DAQ NIDAQ Direct USB Universal Control System for Autonomous Vehicle Applications Receive: Display Vehicle Info (GPS, etc.) Receive: Display Vehicle Images Internal: Test Control Algorithms Transmit: Vehicle Actuator Commands Transmit: Vehicle Waypoint Destinations Transmit: Vehicle Imagery Requests Field PC GUI Labview Matlab Visual Studio Digital Analog FPGA / DSP / MC Input: Known Comm Protocol Output: Known Type Control Switch Capable of Ground or Onboard Control P09235: Aircraft Payload P09561: Visible Spectrum Imaging System Comm. Protocol Comm. Protocol Comm. Protocol Comm. Protocol Internal DAQ SD card Internal DAQ SD card
Harris’ Proposal
NameDescription T.J. Bordelon's Autonomous EZ-STAR Hobby plane with onboard IMU. All control is done on ground station Microbot APS Platform Reconfigurable autopilot platform. Uses 32-bit RISC processor for control and a separate FPGA for configurable IO autopilot.html?gclid=CIPky9i4jZoCFQo MDQodYShJFg Open source hobby helicopter autonomy. All control is processed on-board using an AVR Mega pe.html RC airplane/helicopter. Basic autonomy is proposed using a PIC microcontroller. No flight tests to date. pter_Autopilot#Hardware Autopilot Hardware for an Autonomous Helicopter Used Rabbit controller alongside an FPGA for configurable interfaces to sensors and other peripherals tml Viacopter Multi-Rotor custom helicopters. Ground station for flight control. Rotomotion UAV Helicopter ControllerCommercial UAV controller. Fully autonomous system CTLR.html DJI XP3.1 Commercial helicopter autopilot. No further architectural information available. External Projects
Concept Development See HIGH_LEVEL_SYSTEM_CONCEPTS.xls Brainstorm tab is first Subsequent tabs for each subcategory
P10236 Introduction UAV Completion
P10236 Introduction System Level Design
P10236 Introduction I/O Control Concepts Concept I: Many microcontrollers FPGA cores Concept II: Single microcontroller FPGA core
Risk Assessment (Master Planning Spreadsheets xls)Master Planning Spreadsheets xls