ICAO Language Proficiency Workshop St Petersburg, Russian Federation th May 2011 The English for Aviation Language Testing System Testing System Description
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System Test Partners Test Partners CAA International Ltd Language Testing & Assessment Services Ltd Local Test Centres Test Products Test Products CAAi ICAO Expert Level 6 Assessment (CAAi ICAO ELSA) CAAi English for Aviation Language Test (CAAi EALT)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System ICAO Guidance ICAO Language Proficiency Seminars (Montreal 2004 and 2007) ICAO Language Proficiency Regional Workshops (Regional Locations ) ICAO Documents ICAO Doc AN/453 Manual on the Implementation of ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements (Sept 2004 & Sept 2010) ICAO Doc. AUD001 ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements – Rated Speech Samples (Version 1.2 ICAO 2007) ICAO Cir 318-AN/180 Language Testing Criteria for Global Harmonisation (July 2008) ICAO Cir 323-AN/185 Guidelines for Aviation English Training (March 2010)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALTS Development ICAO compliance ICAO compliance Aviation industry validation Aviation industry validation Primary and secondary test users (consultation & feedback) Primary and secondary test users (consultation & feedback) Models of Best Practice in language testing Models of Best Practice in language testing ALTE Code of Practice ALTE Code of Practice VRIP Principles VRIP Principles Quality of Service Quality of Service
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System Testing System Components CAAi ICAO Expert Level 6 Assessment For native or near native speakers of English CAAi English for Aviation Language Test For non-native speakers of English EALT Test of Listening EALT Test of Speaking Adaptations for pilot and controller license holders Four pilot adaptations (FH, FL, RH, RL) Three controller adaptations (G/T, APP, ACC)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System CAAi ICAO Expert Level 6 Assessment Adherence to ICAO guidance Formal validation of Expert Level 6 proficiency Assessment of features of language beyond work-related context Language assessment event rather than a language test Consideration of an individual’s linguistic history Qualified, trained and certificated assessors Documentation of the assessment procedure and results Where the CAAi ICAO ELSA may invalidate the award of an Expert Level 6 rating, an individual may be referred to the EALT.
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System CAAi ENGLISH FOR AVIATION LANGUAGE TEST (EALT) A test of plain English in the context of aviation Allowing candidates to demonstrate extent of ability to: 1. communicate effectively in voice-only and face-to-face situations; 2. communicate with accuracy and clarity on common, concrete and work-related topics; 3. use appropriate communicative strategies to exchange messages and to recognise and resolve misunderstandings (e.g. to check, confirm, or clarify information) in a general or work-related context; 4. handle successfully and with relative ease the linguistic challenges presented by an aviation-related complication or unexpected turn of events; 5. use a dialect or accent which is intelligible to the aeronautical community. (Ref: ICAO Holistic Descriptors of operational language proficiency)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System ENGLISH FOR AVIATION LANGUAGE TEST (EALT) EALT Test of Listening Semi-direct objective test of aural comprehension Semi-direct objective test of aural comprehension On-line internet mediated On-line internet mediated 25 communications 25 communications Single task type (multiple choice task) Single task type (multiple choice task) SAY AGAIN option SAY AGAIN option Adaptive Adaptive Multiple versions (each a unique test events) Multiple versions (each a unique test events) Simultaneous marking and assessment Simultaneous marking and assessment
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Listening Level 2 comprehension check Candidate hears: Tape-script: ACFT Wareham Tower. Helicopter AE, at the hangars, ready for departure. T-AIR Helicopter AE, Wareham Tower. At the hangars, cleared for take-off. ACFT Cleared for take-off, Helicopter AE. ( 5 second pause) Statements A Helicopter AE is on the apron. ( 5 second pause) B Helicopter AE is cleared for take off. ( 5 second pause before the start of the next recording)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Listening Candidate screen
Candidate hears: Tape-script: ACFT Centre, Moonfleet 844. We are being intercepted by a military aircraft…correction, two military aircraft. One is now flying alongside to starboard. I have lost visual contact with the other. I think it’s above or behind us. ACC Roger, Moonfleet 844. The aircraft are not transponding. You are very close to restricted military airspace at the moment. Suggest you turn south. ACFT Moonfleet 844. Roger. The pilot of the military jet to starboard is pointing to the south also. Am turning away now. ACC Roger, Moonfleet 844. Continue turn and confirm new heading. ( 5 second pause) Statements A Moonfleet 844 is being intercepted by two military aircraft. ( 5 second pause) B One of the aircraft is flying alongside to starboard, the other to port. ( 5 second pause) C Moonfleet 844 has entered restricted military airspace. ( 5 second pause) D Moonfleet 844 is turning south heading 190 degrees. ( 5 second pause before the start of the next recording)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Listening Candidate screen
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System ENGLISH FOR AVIATION LANGUAGE TEST (EALT) EALT Test of Speaking Direct face-to-face standardised interview Direct face-to-face standardised interview Paired candidates Paired candidates Paired examiners Paired examiners Range of professionally relevant tasks Range of professionally relevant tasks Elements of face-to-face and voice only communication Elements of face-to-face and voice only communication Multiple independent assessments (live and post-test) Multiple independent assessments (live and post-test) Assessors with AOE applying the predictive criteria of the ICAO Holistic Descriptors of operational language proficiency Assessors with AOE applying the predictive criteria of the ICAO Holistic Descriptors of operational language proficiency Assessors with LSE applying the descriptive, linguistically analytic criteria of the ICAO Rating Scale Assessors with LSE applying the descriptive, linguistically analytic criteria of the ICAO Rating Scale
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Speaking Task 1: Inform and describe Task type and format The interlocutor leads the interaction with the two candidates with a series of spoken prompts on familiar topic frames drawn from the candidates’ own specific environment of aviation operations. Focus Responding to prompts requiring information and description and expanding on responses. General language of professional and operational interaction and communications in the context of aviation on common, concrete and work-related topics. Timing 5-6 minutes
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Speaking Task 2: Monitor, check, confirm, clarify and report Task type and format Two-way discussion between the candidates. In a voice only exchange, candidates check, confirm and clarify the nature and details of a situational complication or non-routine incident presented as a radio-telephone communication in a recorded aural prompt. One candidate may be nominated to present a brief report in plain English. Focus Aural comprehension; expressing factual details; turn-taking (initiating and responding appropriately); checking, confirming and clarifying; collaborating in the exchange of information; negotiating agreement and understanding; expressing agreement and/or disagreement; describing incidents and events; reporting communications (gist and details); making a concise oral report. Timing 5-6 minutes
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Test of Speaking Task 3: Explain and discuss Task type and format Individual long speaking turn followed by questions or comment from the listening candidate. The candidates are required in turn to present a briefing of approximately 2 minutes’ duration on a given scenario of a specific aviation-related unusual circumstance or emergency situation. Candidates structure their responses following a series of generalised prompts. The listening candidate is instructed to ask one or two rounding-off questions or to comment further at the end of the speaking candidate’s turn. Focus Sustaining a long turn; managing discourse by giving specific information; explaining and discussing the communication requirements of unusual circumstances or emergency situations. Timing 7-8 minutes
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System EALT Assessment and Ratings EALT Test of Listening EALT Test of Listening Simultaneous, automated, objective assessment EALT Test of Speaking EALT Test of Speaking I ndependent ‘live’ and post-test subjective assessments Assessment combining evidence from a minimum of five independent sources to achieve scores in each of the discrete features of speech and a final rating. EALT Test Report EALT Test Report EALT Appeal Process EALT Appeal Process
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System With thanks Further details (CAAi EALT sample and demonstration material available)
EALTS English for Aviation Language Testing System