Emilio Frazzoli, Munther A. Dahleh and Eric Feron Jingru Luo
Background Kinodynamic motion planning A new randomized incremental algorithm System’s dynamics An environment with moving obstacles Efficiency Safety guarantee Optimal solution Probabilistic complete Guaranteed performance
Framework System Dynamics Ordinary Differential Equations(ODEs) Equilibrium points (zero velocity) (1) (2)
Framework Obstacle-Free Guidance System Optimal cost-to-go function for all Compute the optimal control policy (5) (6) x
Framework Notation ○ Feasible set F for all (state, time) pairs satisfying all constraints ○ Reachable set Given, is reachable if find x
Framework Problem Formulation Given an initial state at time, and a goal, find that can steer the system from to Optimal trajectory to minimize the cost
Motion Planning Basic idea Initial condition Random equilibrium point Target
Data Structure Node (state, time) couple Total cost ○ Accumulated cost by bookkeeping ○ Cost-to-go Lower bound: optimal cost function Upper bound: infinity Edge The randomly generated equilibrium point Cost along the edge
Initialization Root node: some point in the future Contains the initial condition As an example:, moving at, and we devote s to the computation, the root node must be set at Total cost: ○ Accumulated cost: set to zero ○ Cost-to-go Lower bound: optimal cost function Upper bound: infinity A B
Tree Expansion Step Two points: Which node to expand In which direction to explore ○ Samples a random configuration, and try to expand all nodes in order of increasing cost ○ Apply the optimal control policy until the system gets to endgame region of
Initial state Random Equilibrium point Target 1 2 3
Real-Time Consideration Safety Check Moving obstacles Collision check at time point is not enough Check safety over a time ○ safety A milestone (x, t) is τ-safe if (x, t) is feasible for all t ∈ [t,t+τ]
Real-Time Consideration Improving performance Trajectories from equilibrium to equilibrium provide unsatisfactory performance Primary milestone Secondary milestone, split the new edge into n segments and add the breakpoints Primary milestone Secondary milestone
Update Cost Look for the optimal trajectory When a solution is found Upper bound on the cost-to-go are updated Update backward to the root ○ Parent.U.B.> node.U.B.+ edge_cost ○ Parent.U.B node.U.B.+ edge_cost Initial state Target Xnew
Tree Pruning Upper bound and lower bound Lower bound: optimal cost-to-go in free environment Upper bound: cost of the best trajectory from the milestone to the destination or +∞ Every time a solution is found, prune subtree while updating the node ○ lower bound + edge cost > upper bound current node
Initial state Random point Target x L: 10 U: 10 L: 15 U: +∞ 2 L: 25 U: +∞ 1 L: 35 U: +∞ 10 L: 20 U: +∞ L: 22 U: +∞ L: 25 U: +∞ L: 15 U: 20 L: 20 U: 25 L: 22 U: 30 L: 25 U:
Initial state Random point Target Complete Algorithm Initialization Loop if trajectory(root, target) collison free thenreturn success loop newTrajectory=Expand-Tree if newTrajectory != failure and safe then get Primary and Second M.S. for all new M.S. do Update-Cost and Prune-Tree until Time is up if feasible solution found then root best child else if root has children then root random child else generate another root
Application Example Four planners A: one node, chosen randomly B: one node, chosen as the closest one C: all node sorted in random order D: all node sorted in the order of increasing distance
Application Example Ground robot moving among fixed spheres Helicopter moving among fixed spheres The planners handle easily
Application Example Ground robot moving through sliding doors C, D perform better Algorithm AAlgorithm D
Application Example Helicopter moving through sliding doors C, D perform better while A failed Algorithm BAlgorithm D
Conclusion Deal with system dynamics efficiently Decouple between the high-level motion plan and low-level control tasks Real time issues Finite computation time Safety check Exploration strategy Future work Motion plan in the uncertain environment