Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft.
Group structure Tobi Bert & Shih-Chii Matthew & Jorg Hugo, Adam & Josh A.
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. Group structure Tobi Bert & Shih-Chii Matthew & Jorg Hugo, Adam & Josh A. Workload
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft.
jAER project 1
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 1 demo video
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 2 Tracking… from lines to crosses base slope base 1 slope base 2
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 2 Tracking… from lines to crosses base slope base 1 slope base 2
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 2 Tracking… from lines to crosses
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 3 Self-controlled helicopter
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. project 3 Self-controlled helicopter It almost sort-of worked
Event-Based Navigation at 9000 ft. Results Wheeled robot closed loop system DVS jAER tracking motor output Framework for tracking complex objects - Extended 2d line tracker to 3d line tracking (cross) principle extends to n-d objects (e.g. composed of n lines) - Gradient update instead of energy landscape Wireless computer based control for flying robot with on-board microcontroller-driven DVS System prepared for on-board processing