Chattanooga/Tristate Region STEMI Update 2014 C. Samuel Ledford, MD Chattanooga Heart Institute
Disclosures None relevant to this talk
Whitfield Murray Georgi a Tenne ssee
The Realities of Transport/Communication in our Tristate Region Weather Topography Limited Resources
How do we increase the number of patients with timely access to reperfusion therapy?
We Know what the problems are. So what do we do? Concept: A Regional STEMI Taskforce
Barriers to Timely Reperfusion The Patient Hesitation to seek medical attention Transported to E.D. by private vehicle Time to transport/EMS Delivery to the closest hospital by EMS, regardless of PCI capabilities Long transport in rural areas Limited Resources STEMI Referral Hospitals Reticence to use Thrombolytics Delay in Transfer to PCI facility STEMI Receiving Hospitals Multiple Thrombolytic and transport protocols
Tri-State Regional STEMI Taskforce Charter Mission Statement: The mission of the Tri-State Regional STEMI Taskforce is to improve the quality of care and outcomes in acute coronary syndrome patients through a uniform readiness and response to ST-Elevated Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients. Purpose: The Tri-State Regional STEMI Taskforce is a multi-disciplinary, multi-organizational group of healthcare providers focused on decreasing the time to reperfusion therapy, reducing inefficiencies, optimizing resources for patients with ST- Elevated Myocardial Infarctions, and caring for the patent with acute coronary syndrome.
STEMI Receiving Hospitals/ Local Government Letters of Support for a Regional STEMI Task Force Financial Commitment to support Task Force Membership on Executive Committee of Southeast Tennessee Regional Medical Communications Center (Region 3)
EMS/Helicopter Services Provide Educational Resources to EMS providers Use and transmission of 12-lead ECGs 12 Lead STEMI interpretation Empower EMS to diagnose STEMI in the field Develop Standardized EMS STEMI protocols Develop Alternative options for Counties without automated 12 Lead transmission capabilities. Create Feedback documents for EMS
STEMI-Referral Hospitals Provide Educational support to ED’s Create Standardized STEMI Medical Treatment Protocols Create Standardized Thrombolytic Protocols Create Standardized Transport Protocols (EMS protocols) Rapid feedback with phone follow-up to ED and Feedback document
Begin to Think Inside The Box
Questions ?? STEMI Coordinators: Marla Thomas RN– Erlanger (423) Dee Dee Edgemon RN– Memorial (423) Sandra Tilley RN– Parkridge (423)
Ten- one minute time savers are easier to recognize and implement than One – ten minute time saver