S abotage COR ru P tion I ntelligence A ssassination
Alex Rider 15 years old Spy for MI6 Lives with legal guardian Jack Parents killed by SCORPIA long time friend of the Pleasure family
MI6 Head of intelligence operations in Britain Longtime enemy of SCORPIA Forced Alex to become a spy
Scorpia Terrorist organization Head of operations is Zeljan Kurst Former head, Julia Rothman, was killed by Alex Killed both Alex’s parents and uncle Wants Alex Rider dead
Razim Middle eastern terrorist Hired by SCORPIA supported Saddam Hussein Was part of the Eglin Marbles plot
One day, the head of SCORPIA, Zeljan Kurst, walks into the British Museum.
He meets a man by the name of Yannis Ariston Xenopolos.
They discuss returning the stolen Elgin Marbles back to Athens.
Elsewhere, Alex Rider is sitting in class learning about his worst subject, math.
Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a man on the roof shooting at him.
Alex runs off campus and chases the man down to his getaway helicopter.
He launched a fire extinguisher bringing the helicopter down in flames.
The officials find out about the incident and MI6 calls Alex back into their headquarters.
Alex is then told that SCORPIA might have been behind the entire shooting and is briefed for another mission.
Alex Rider is going to a foreign school in Cairo, Egypt.
At around the same time, Razim is hired by SCORPIA in Egypt.
He needs to deal with Alex Rider in Cairo.
A couple of weeks later, Alex and his care taker Jack arrive in Cairo.
Alex then sees a strange man watching them at the public square.
It is a criminal hired by Razim and suddenly, he pulls out a gun and starts a shooting.
Alex gets knocked out unconscious and is then taken to Razim’s villa.
When Alex wakes up, he and Jack are trapped in a prison cell.
They devise a quick plan to escape and put it into action.
Jack runs out to steal a car while Alex rushes to find the main gate.
But something is wrong…..
Alex is then captured by Razim and strapped to a torture chair.
Razim then explains he had experimenting with types of pain.
Alex is the latest subject of Razim’s new project, emotional pain.
He then turns on a monitor to reveal Jack stealing a car….
Alex stares in complete horror and starts crying.
Jack had just died in a car loaded with pounds of explosives, leaving Alex to suffer.
At that exact moment, MI6 rushes in a frees Alex.
But then, he is confronted by Razim.
They exchange words and Alex pushes him into a mound of salt…
Razim’s skin immediately dissolves like a slug in salt.
Alex watches as the last of Jack’s murder’s body is dragged into the white hill of solid acid.
The Eglin Marble never make it back to Athens and Zeljan Kurst is sent to prison.
Alex goes off to live with the pleasures in America and never hears about MI6 again.
Never underestimate what you are going up against.
Scorpia Rising By Henry Liu