1 Overview of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS) Institute Michael Romanowski Vice President, Civil Aviation Aerospace Industries Association.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS) Institute Michael Romanowski Vice President, Civil Aviation Aerospace Industries Association Presentation to the AIA Air Transportation System Committee July 26, 2005

2 Agenda NGATS Institute purpose & goals Operational overview of NGATS Institute Timeline for Institute Background - National Center for Advanced Technologies (NCAT) Overview of FAA-NCAT Agreement –Public meetings –Institute Management Council –IPTs & working groups –NGATS Institute Executive Director –Contracts & Studies Summary

3 NGATS Institute Purpose & Goals Enable gov’t – private sector partnership in next generation system definition –Sustain long-term shared undertaking by promoting jointly supported solutions & coordinated investments Enable mechanism for gathering & applying best expertise Encourage & support transformation NGATS Timeline Requirements Definition Why the NGATS Institute? Competitive Implementation

4 Operational Overview of NGATS Institute JPDO Executive Office NCAT Board Institute Management Council 1. Airport Infrastructure 2. Security System 3. Air Traffic System 4. User Situational Awareness 5. Safety Management 6. Environmental Protection 7. Weather 8. Global Equipage & Ops Master IPT IPTs JPDO Senior Policy Committee NGATS Institute JPDO (Gov’t) Contracts & Studies Inst. Exec. Dir. & Staff NCAT

5 Timeline for NGATS Institute ATSC involved in concept definition – Jan 10 Concept endorsed by AIA Civil Leadership Committee & Executive Committee – Jan 14 Joint AIA-ATCA proposal submitted to JPDO – Feb 2 Aviation & Space Stakeholders – Feb 28 Agreement between FAA & NCAT signed - March 9 Implementing agreement: –Institute Management Council formed Posting for application to IMC on ncat.com – Mar 23 Executive Committee formed – April 13 Full IMC empanelled – May 17 IMC meeting monthly –Executive Director Posting issued on ncat.com – Mar 10 Dale Goodrich announced as NGATS Institute Executive Director – June 29 –Integrated Product Teams First pass IPT requirements received - May 17 AIA comments returned to JPDO - June 27 Awaiting posting of requirements on ncat.com –Follow-on: Public meeting IPT representatives announced Contracts requests from JPDO

6 National Center for Advanced Technologies (NCAT) Existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization –Affiliated with Aerospace Industries Association Chartered purpose: –“provide a national focal point for the coordination of scientific research and development of advanced technologies predicated upon a cooperative relationship between government, academia, and business in the public and national interest”, –to “analyze government policies concerning research and development of advanced technologies and to formulate improved approaches to such research and development in the national and public interest.” NCAT is not a membership organization –Charter supports broad industry and stakeholder participation, working across industry lines, and joint decision-making Significant relevant experience Government contracts and studies Open, participative teams Example – Industry Affordability Task Force (DoD) –10 organizations/associations + government participate

7 Opportunities for Engagement Any individual or organization eligible to participate Participation opportunities: –Public meetings –Institute Management Council –Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) & other working groups

8 NGATS Institute Public Meetings At least 1 public meeting per year –Opportunity to input and comment to the Institute –Notification: NCAT/NGATS Institute website (ncat.com) Distribution to JPDO interested parties list

9 NGATS Institute Management Council (IMC) Senior level – representing leadership of civil aviation community Drawn from all segments of civil aviation community Oversees: –Policy, recommendations, and products of the NGATS Institute –Contracts awards process to ensure fairness & effectiveness IMC Executive Committee: –Co-chairs + 3 members + JPDO (non-voting) –Acts on behalf of full IMC in between meetings –Selects the NGATS Institute Executive Director –Decisions of Executive Committee subject to IMC endorsement

10 NGATS Institute Management Council Allocation designated in contract – goal is to provide broadest representation of civil aviation community Co-Chairs: –Air Transport Association (ATA) –Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Allocated seats: –JPDO (Ex-officio) –Regional airline operations –Business aircraft operations –Helicopter operations –Small airplane (GA) operations Allocated seats (cont): –Manufacturers (2 seats) –Commercial Pilots –Air Traffic Controllers –Airport operators –Federal Advisory Committees/Research (2 seats) –“At Large” (2 seats) Council composition will be reviewed annually

11 NGATS Institute Management Council (IMC) Achieved goal of representation by civil aviation community senior leadership Co-Chairs: –Air Transport Association (ATA) –Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) Other Executive Committee Members: –Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) –Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) –Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association (AOPA) –JPDO (Ex-officio) Other IMC Members: –Airports Council International – North America (ACI) –Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Other IMC Members: –General Aviation Manufacturing Association (GAMA) –Helicopter Association International (HAI) –National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) –National Association State Aviation Officials (NASAO) –National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) –National Business Travel Association (NBTA) –Regional Airline Association (RAA) –RTCA, Inc. Membership finalized at May 17 IMC meeting Two year terms Initially ½ IMC members on 1 year term

12 NGATS Institute Executive Director Employed by NCAT – dedicated to JPDO support –Selected by IMC Executive Committee Chief administrator & executive of NGATS Institute –Responsible for all operations of the Institute Accountable to Institute Management Council for operational aspects Accountable to NCAT Board for financial management of Institute JPDO provides office space to Institute staff Dale Goodrich announced as Institute Executive Director – June 29

13 IPTs and Working Groups Pro-bono participation Coordinate stakeholder engagement with JPDO’s IPTs –Cross government & industry engagement JPDO requests desired expertise and skill mix for teams NGATS Institute announces request for participants Applicants screened against requirements by review team (headed by Exec. Dir.) Institute team composition subject to review by the IMC Additional teams may be used to provide interim reviews/guidance for specific IPTs –Use existing broad-based coalitions where they exist (e.g., CAST) Awaiting final release of IPT requirements

14 Contracts & Studies Funded activities JPDO requests and funds contracts executed by NGATS Institute Notice of contract – request for bids to be posted on ncat.com Selection team reviews bids and determines contractor Oversight: –Award protest procedure –Contractual Awards Oversight Board – subset of IMC Any award subject to review Reviews all protests for compliance with process Any concerns forwarded to IMC for disposition Awaiting more info on expected contract opportunities

15 NGATS Institute Summary Excellent opportunity for all stakeholders to shape the next generation air transportation system –Fair, balanced framework –Open participation –All industry/user segments Institute operational –IMC active – meeting monthly –Executive Director in place – resides at JPDO Expect calls for IPT participation soon –More info will be posted on ncat.com –Requests for information to –Coordinate AIA participation through ATSC Timing for contract requests TBD