1 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands March 8 th 2006, Carla Speel
2 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Content of presentation: Land use planning in the Netherlands in general Land use planning and pipelines in the Netherlands Pipelines and existing policies Pipelines and new risk distances Consequences and measures
3 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Spatial planning in the Netherlands in general All authorities: responsible for spatial planning City councils: Zoning plans Use of land (residential area, industry, recreation, business district, catering industry) Interests of several parties laid down in zoning plan Three components (explanation/ map/ regulations) Review every 10 year Modifications: permission of higher authority required Objection and appeal possible
4 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands
5 Spatial planning in the Netherlands in general Netherlands: densely populated country High pressure on land use/ utilize every inch of space Therefore: Spatial planning is very important and complex External safety: probabilistic (risk) approach Balance between LUP and external safety Location-based risk and societal risk
6 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Pipelines in the Netherlands Red: gas, 60 bar Blue: gas, 40 bar Green: oil Yellow: chemicals
7 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Spatial planning of pipelines in the Netherlands 1985: Structure plan for pipelines in the Netherlands Long term planning for reservation of future continuous networklanes for pipelines: national net Every lane may contain several main transport pipelines Lanes should be implemented in regional and local zoning plans Conclusion after 20 years: The implementation has taken place inadequately Consequence: insufficient reservation for pipelines in local plans
8 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands
9 Pipelines and existing policies 1984: regulation for gaspipelines Purpose: Zoning between dangerous gaspipelines and residential areas in case of: Construction of new pipelines Building of new residential areas in the vicinity of existing pipelines Safety distances are based on risk assessment Location-based risk
10 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Minimum distance to residential areas (meters) diameter20-50 bar50-80-bar bar 2”455 6”457 12” ” ” ” ”--5060
11 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Recently: new study at safety distances Improved calculation-models for risk assessment New information on frequency of pipeline ruptures and their effects Conclusion: new safety distances appear in many cases larger than “old” distances from regulation for gaspipelines Wall thickness and depth of cover are the qualifying circumstances Solution: measures at pipelines will reduce new distance Consultations between pipeline operators and local authorities
12 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Old risk distance New risk distance gaspipeline
13 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Control measures: Camera supervision More frequently helicopter survey New legislation to prevent accidents from external interference (digging activities by third parties) Technical measures: Enlarge covering above pipeline (raising soil above pipeline) Cover pipeline with concrete plate Ultimate measure: Move of pipeline
14 Land use planning and policies in the Netherlands Conclusions: It is a complex matter to combine all essential interests in land use planning: aim at balance Risk approach: Acknowledgement of interests of all activities Attempts to combine all interests in LUP Good communication with local authorities is important