2 Heritage (1945 – 1989) l Economy destroyed by WW II l Era of Central Planning l Ambition of „a fully independent state” (in a global economy)
3 Transition Period l A relatively large nation l Need to focus on urgent problems (restructuring of industry) l Innovations based on basic resources (labour costs, technology adoption)
4 Motivations for R&D based innovations Source: European Innovation Scoreboard 2005
5 Strategy l Sustainable development (incremental growth) l Priority areas (break-through strategy) l R&D based innovations l Use of Structural Funds Time scale
6 European Experience with Cohesion Regions l Ireland l Greece l Spain l Poland
7 Economic Growth Poland - GDP
8 Human Potential Students
9 Human Potential Ph.D. Students
10 Means l National Framework Programme (2005) l Polish Technology Platforms (2005) l Technology Clusters (2006) l Mobility and Human Resources (2006) l National Research Centre (2007) l Optimized Use of Structural Funds (2007 – 2013)
11 Absorption of Structural Funds for Innovation l Human resources and mobility l Programmes: Mobility between science and industry Young scientists International mobility Returning scientists
12 Strategic research areas Priority directions of scientific research I. Health 1.1. Epidemiology, molecular foundation and risk factors affecting the aging processes Epidemiology, pathogenesis, genetics and immunology in tumour diseases Molecular biology and biotechnology and their impact on the improvement of the population’s health and quality of life Environmental conditions and their impact on health threats Transplantation and regenerative medicine Innovative and generic drugs, materials and equipment supporting medical diagnosis and therapy. II. Environment 2.1. Environmental management Management as a factor of climatic changes Biological diversity and protection thereof Optimization of the development of cities and regions Optimization of the use of natural resources Recycling and other technical measures of protecting the environment. III. Agriculture and food 3.1. Pro-healthy food Biological progress in agriculture Veterinary protection of public health. IV. State and society 4.1. Cultural traditions and protection of the material and spiritual heritage of Polish society Competitiveness of the Polish economy for conditions of permanent and sustainable growth Poland and its position in Europe and in the world: political, legal and social aspects. National Framework Programme
13 Strategic research areas Priority directions of scientific research V. Security 5.1. Crisis management in the country Emergency situation early warning systems Security of IT systems in cyberspace Materials, subassemblies, sensors and structures for security systems. VI. New materials and technologies 6.1. Nanomaterials and multi-function nanoassemblies Advanced materials and electronic and optoelectronic equipment Advanced construction materials Highly processed chemical compounds and materials possessing special properties Industrial product technologies and biotechnologies. VII. Information technologies 7.1. Development of the data communication infrastructure, including solutions guaranteeing superb functionality, and digital information resources. 7.2 Methods and tools for developing software supporting the development of an information society Intelligent modelling and decision support systems for controlling and optimizing complex real systems Diagnosis and therapy support systems and systems for exchanging medical data through on-line and mobile platforms Mobile technologies.
14 Strategic research areasPriority directions of scientific research VIII. Energy and its resources 8.1. Modern technologies for generating, processing and storing energy Effective use of coal Security of Poland’s energy supply Renewable sources of energy. IX. Transportation infrastructure 9.1. Elements of construction, exploitation and security of transportation means and systems Logistic systems of transportation processes.
15 Science and Industry PPT Food PPT Biotechnology PPT Hydrogen and Fuel Cells PPT Metals PPT Aerospace PPT Sustainable and Clear Fossil Energy Systems PPT Water Transport PPT Textile Industry PPT Sustainable Chemistry
16 Science and Industry II PPT Road Transport PPT Steel PPT ICT PPT Foresters PPT Construction PPT Opto- and Nanotechnology PPT Manufacturing PPT Safety PPT Advanced Materials
17 An Example - Aeronautics ACARE SRA: general aviation small plane small helicopter supply chain for global industry
18 Aviation Valley regional innovation cluster Local initiative Supply chain 66 Y of tradition 30 companies 9000 employees Sales 250M€ Airports Technical Universities
19 National R&D Centre Vision High quality research at acceptable cost R&D strategic to social and economic development of the state. Mission l Top-down coordination of key R&D programmes l Research Infrastructure l Development of human resources l Participation in ERA
20 Foresight Objectives l Priorities for R&D l Public debate l From traditional to knowledge based economy
21 Structural funds Wroclaw University of Technology A Laboratory CAMT CANT – prototyping 4.6 m PLN Szczecin University of Technology BBio-Centre1.7 m PLN The Silesian University of Technology CJoining technologies27.5 m PLN Rzeszow University of Technology DMaterials for aircraft industry 25.5 m PLN Institute of Non- Ferrous Metals Gliwice Light Metals Division Skawina ELight alloys "CentrAI"1.42 m PLN
22 Structural funds Poland 2005
23 Infrastructure of Knowledge- based Economy