LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas Geospatial World Forum – Crisis Management using 3D Rotterdam, 13 – 16 May, 2013 Susan Parks, Ben D. Kamphaus & Thomas Bahr* The information contained in this document pertains to software products and services that are subject to the controls of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The recipient is responsible for ensuring compliance to all applicable U.S. Export Control laws and regulations.
Background Information > A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, > Quake epicenter was 15 miles WSW of Port-Au-Prince (18.443°N, °W). > 212,000 killed > 300,000 injured > 1.2 million displaced > Over 30 % of the buildings in Port-au-Prince were destroyed or damaged. Imagery and LiDAR data courtesy of the RIT Haiti Mission for the World Bank (January 21-27, 2010). 2LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
Objectives and Resources Objectives > Inventory buildings and assess building damage. > Locate refugees in need of aid. > Locate areas to land ground teams. > Locate ways to route ground teams to refugee camps. Resources > DigitalGlobe Worldview-2 Scene from after event. > LiDAR coverage of Port-au-Prince from RIT/World Bank project. > ENVI, ENVI LiDAR, and ArcGIS® 3LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
Analyst Role LiDAR Processing >ENVI LiDAR: Produces layers of relevance such as DSM, DTM, and building footprints and roof shape polygons. >ENVI: DEM processing is performed to calculate the heights of above ground features and separate roads from structures and debris. Spectral Analysis >ENVI: Blue tarp signature is used to extract blue tarp locations from the scene to locate refugees. >ArcGIS: Density maps highlight locations where refugees are located. Network Analysis >ENVI: Road networks are extracted from LiDAR data and manually cleaned up. >ArcGIS: Road networks are imported to a network dataset. Obstructions from ENVI are used as barrier inputs for ground team routing. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas4May 12, 2015
LiDAR Processing Tasks > Use LiDAR data to map road networks. > Catalogue standing buildings and their extant shapes. > Assess the debris distribution. Methodology > Feature extraction, orthophoto and DEM generation from LiDAR data. > Examination of the results with a 3D Viewer. > Usage of an object-based feature extraction tool to extract the road networks. 5LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
LiDAR Processing Steps > Use ENVI LiDAR to process LiDAR data to extract building footprint and roof shape features, and create an orthophoto, DSM, and DTM. > Examine the results with the 3D Viewer in ENVI LiDAR. > Use ENVI to extract feature heights layer from DSM and DTM. > Map road networks and debris networks from LiDAR feature heights layer through threshold classification. > Generalize debris and road networks to appropriate vector file types and export to an ArcGIS geodatabase. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas6May 12, 2015
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Extracting Debris and the Road Network LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas9 DSM – DTM Equals the vertical obstruction layer. May 12, 2015
Threshold Classification Results LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas10 Road surface Debris Buildings and taller structures May 12, 2015
Analyst Role LiDAR Processing >ENVI LiDAR: Produces layers of relevance such as DSM, DTM, and building footprints and roof shape polygons. >ENVI: DEM processing is performed to calculate the heights of above ground features and separate roads from structures and debris. Spectral Analysis >ENVI: Blue tarp signature is used to extract blue tarp locations from the scene to locate refugees. >ArcGIS: Density maps highlight locations where refugees are located. Network Analysis >ENVI: Road networks are extracted from LiDAR data and manually cleaned up. >ArcGIS: Road networks are imported to a network dataset. Obstructions from ENVI are used as barrier inputs for ground team routing. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas11May 12, 2015
Blue Tarp Analysis > Blue tarps concentrations can be used to identify the locations of displaced people. > Blue tarps are also spectrally distinct. 12LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
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Routing Priority Determination > Now that we have extracted blue tarps, we can create a point density map using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to determine where concentrations of refugees are. > We will use these hot spots to select route stops in the final ground team routing. 14LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
Analyst Role LiDAR Processing >ENVI LiDAR: Produces layers of relevance such as DSM, DTM, and building footprints and roof shape polygons. >ENVI: DEM processing is performed to calculate the heights of above ground features and separate roads from structures and debris. Spectral Analysis >ENVI: Blue tarp signature is used to extract blue tarp locations from the scene to locate refugees. >ArcGIS: Density maps highlight locations where refugees are located. Network Analysis >ENVI: Road networks are extracted from LiDAR data and manually cleaned up. >ArcGIS: Road networks are imported to a network dataset. Obstructions from ENVI are used as barrier inputs for ground team routing. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas15May 12, 2015
Road Obstruction and Ground Team Routing > When disasters occur, not all road networks remain navigable. > How do we tell which ones are usable? LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas16May 12, 2015
Ground Team Routing > Image data and processed LiDAR data is fused for enhanced road extraction. > Road network is input into ArcMap. > ArcGIS Network Analyst is used to solve routing problems in the resulting network. > Layers extracted from ENVI LiDAR and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst can provide additional routing context. 17LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
Debris Layer Calculation > The debris classification layer from the threshold is separated from the other layers. > The debris raster is then generalized and converted to a polygon class. 18LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
> Debris polygons are converted to attribute rich polygon centroids. > These centroids are then used to calculate a point density layer, weighted by area (larger debris contributes more to density). 19LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015 Debris Density Calculation
> The point density layer is then thresholded and exported to two different polygon classes. > High values are considered complete barriers. > Medium values increase the network traversal cost. 20LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015 Debris Density Calculation
Synthesis LiDAR Processing >ENVI LiDAR: Produces layers of relevance such as DSM, DTM, and building footprints and roof shape polygons. >ENVI: DEM processing is performed to calculate the heights of above ground features and separate roads from structures and debris. Spectral Analysis >ENVI: Blue tarp signature is used to extract blue tarp locations from the scene to locate refugees. >ArcGIS: Density maps highlight locations where refugees are located. Network Analysis >ENVI: Road networks are extracted from LiDAR data and manually cleaned up. >ArcGIS: Road networks are imported to a network dataset. Obstructions from ENVI are used as barrier inputs for ground team routing. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas21May 12, 2015
Network Analyst Techniques for Routing > Once the dense debris is added to the network analysis layer as a polygon barrier, routes which do not cross dense debris can be obtained. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas22May 12, 2015
Network Analyst Techniques for Routing > If multiple helicopter landing zones are being considered, routes from and to different refugee camps can be evaluated using the closest facility tool in the ArcGIS Network Analyst. LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban Areas23May 12, 2015
Summary >LiDAR is becoming a critical component of disaster relief planning. >Imagery combined with LiDAR data can be used as inputs to support emergency response to crises like earthquakes. >Inputs from LiDAR processed with ENVI LiDAR can be used in ArcGIS Network Analyst to provide real world constraints when solving mission routing problems. >LiDAR can help emergency responders inventory buildings, land ground teams, find passable routes, and otherwise support crisis response efforts. 24LiDAR Damage Assessment for Disaster Relief Efforts in Urban AreasMay 12, 2015
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