The history of Szolnok By: David Soós
Szolnok Szolnok is a town in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain in Hungary. It is 938 years old. In the Middle Ages the Mongols and the Turks attacked the town. We have had many floods and fires too. Szolnok is a town in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain in Hungary. It is 938 years old. In the Middle Ages the Mongols and the Turks attacked the town. We have had many floods and fires too. The first train arrived in Szolnok in 1847 and the town became an important transport centre. The first train arrived in Szolnok in 1847 and the town became an important transport centre. Generals Damjanich and Vécsey fought the Habsburgs and won the battle on 5th March in Generals Damjanich and Vécsey fought the Habsburgs and won the battle on 5th March in In the World Wars there were big fights here. More than bombs were dropped on the town and many people died. In the World Wars there were big fights here. More than bombs were dropped on the town and many people died.
Restaurants and the termal bath
Sports in Szolnok: kayak & basketball Kayak- canoe in Szolnok National championships and training camps on the Backwater of the Tisza National championships and training camps on the Backwater of the TiszaBasketball National Champions 3 times National Champions 3 times Hungarian Cup – Hungarian Cup – winners twice
Aircraft museum There are some planes and a helicopter. The helicopter’s name is Tweety. In black and white here you can see a plane crashed near Rákóczifalva, the neighbouring town. There are some planes and a helicopter. The helicopter’s name is Tweety. In black and white here you can see a plane crashed near Rákóczifalva, the neighbouring town.
Mayfly bridge
Pelican mall