C hild & A dult C are F ood P rogram
Terms You Should Know Sponsor – an organization approved to operate CACFP Specialist – ODE Child Nutrition Specialist Application – your district’s application for CACFP Afterschool Supper (“At Risk” supper & snack) “Big Red” – ODE’s CACFP policy manual
Terms You Should Know Renewal – Renewal of CACFP Application for new year Review – Administrative review (onsite) of CACFP…similar to CRE in NSLP Participant – child, student NSLP – National School Lunch Program
After School Meal and Snack Programs “At Risk” Reimbursement during school year ONLY – including weekends, holidays, vacations Programs required to: Be located in a qualifying school attendance area Offer regularly scheduled enrichment or Educational activities – structured & supervised Be “open to all”
After School Participants are defined as: Children who are 18 years old and younger at the beginning of the school year
After School Meals and Snacks ODE can reimburse programs for serving 1 snack and/ or 1 supper per participant, per day. Supper can be served anytime after the school day ends, or anytime on non-school days during the school year
Reimbursement Rates: After School Meals and Snacks FY 2010 Snack $ 0.74 Lunch/Dinner$ (includes $0.195 Cash in Lieu of commodities)
Documentation is Required to Receive Reimbursement
Documentation Maintain for 3 years plus the current fiscal year Daily Monthly Annual
Daily Documentation Requirements Attendance records Meal counts Menus
Daily Attendance Records Attendance Records * Must record Child’s Full Name & Date
Menus Decide which meal planning option you will choose – NSLP or CACFP Daily menus showing meals and snacks served, listing actual date Must show compliance with USDA menu requirements If food item is “combination”, must have acceptable documentation available
Meal Counts Two Methods: 1. Head Count Method OR 2. Actual Count Method At Risk Programs generally use Head Count method CACFP Manual Chapter 5 **Meal Count must be recorded at the Point of Service**
Monthly Documentation Requirements Receipts for food and food service supplies to support menus, if needed Reimbursement claim to ODE, with all supporting documentation.
How you get paid… Monthly Reimbursement Claim Report meal counts and other information to ODE monthly On-line in CNPweb database
Other Documentation Requirements Annual staff training (ODE and site staff) Annual renewal application Site Monitoring (multi-site only) Civil Rights compliance Report program / agreement changes to ODE prior to effective date
Annual Training A minimum of 1 staff person per sponsor must “attend” ODE annual training (may be via phone) New staff must be trained on Supper Program requirements in timely manner
Annual Training Must Include: Record Keeping Requirements Meal Patterns Meal service style (cafeteria, Family) Portion Sizes Medical Statements for Food Substitutions (if applicable) Civil Rights compliance Vendor requirements (if applicable) CACFP Annual Training
Training Documentation Must Include: Date Topic Trainer Names of Attendees and their signatures Training Materials Used Refer to Big Red Page 23.7
Site Monitoring Requirements Single site sponsor: No requirements Multi-site sponsor: Site Monitoring is Required
Site Monitoring Requirements Multi-Site Sponsors: must monitor each site 3 times per year when adding a new site, must monitor within first 30 days No more that 6 months between visits Documentation is Required Big Red Chapter 13
Site and Sponsor Changes – keep current Submit changes on-line in CNPweb: meal times Application contact names months of operation Adding sites / Closing sites
USDA Civil Rights Requirements USDA CACFP Center Manual Ch. 11
What is Discrimination? “The act of distinguishing one person or a group of person from others, either intentionally, by neglect, or by the effect of actions or lack of actions based on their protected classes.”
Discrimination is: …when an individual or group of individuals are: D elayed benefits or services D enied benefits or services Treated D ifferently than others to their disadvantage Given D isparate Impact The 4 “D”s
Federal (USDA) Protected Classes include: Race Color National origin Age Sex Disability
Civil Rights Complaint Policy and Procedure Sponsors must have a written procedure for accepting and forwarding civil rights complaints to ODE or USDA. Exhibit 23.10
Civil Rights Complaint Log All discrimination complaints must be documented in the Civil Rights complaint log. **Date Log regardless of complaints received and maintain on file
“And Justice For All” Poster must be placed in a prominent place where participants and potential participants have ready access. Current Poster was revised 5/2008
Racial and Ethnic Data Sponsors collect at Initial Application and once annually *********************************** Report ethnic and racial data from your service area of potential participants. ODE assists sponsors by providing racial and ethnic data from your service area (by county).
Racial and Ethnic Data Report ethnic and racial data from your service area of Actual participants. A sponsor-developed questionnaire may be distributed (optional for participants to complete!) If no written info available, sponsor must make visual identification for USDA reporting use
It is optional for participants to provide Sponsors with Racial and Ethnic informationHowever… It is a requirement for Sponsors to collect Racial and Ethnic Data annually Racial and Ethnic data may be collected from a Sponsor developed questionnaire or may be collected using visual identification
3 RACIAL OR ETHNIC GROUP Please check your child's racial and ethnic information. You are not required to answer these questions. We need this information to be sure that everyone receives benefits on a fair basis. Mark one ethnic identity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Mark racial designations that apply, if any: American Indian & Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other _______________________ Sample Questionnaire
Race and Ethnic Categories Separate categories are used when collecting and reporting Race and Ethnicity. Why do we collect this data? To determine how effectively USDA programs are reaching potential eligible participants
Race and Ethnic Categories Data COLLECTION: Two-Step Format: - Separate categories are used when collecting and reporting Race and Ethnicity.
Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Ethnic Categories: Step One Ethnicity is collected first.
Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Not Hispanic or Latino Step 1: Ethnicity
American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other ____________________ Step Two Participants are offered the option of selecting one or more Racial designations :
See Racial and Ethnic Category Definitions for descriptions of Race Categories…
Racial Ethnic Annual Data Collection Form
Civil Rights Staff Training Train staff annually on Civil Rights (CR) Requirements: –What is a CR Complaint –Posting of “And Justice For All” poster –Nondiscrimination Statement –CR Complaint Procedure –Collecting Racial and Ethnic Data Refer to “Big Red” Exhibit 23.11
Civil Rights Compliance Checklist: “And Justice for All” poster must be prominently displayed in the administrative office Nondiscrimination Statement must printed on Program materials that mention or imply the USDA or CACFP Collect Racial and Ethnic Data Annually Need written procedure for handling civil rights complaints ( using Complaint form and log provided) Each site must have: JFA poster visible, CR complaint procedure, CR Complaint forms and a CR Complaint Log
“Integrity Regulations” CACFP Regulations– “7 CFR 226” Policy/policymemo/CFR pdf
“Integrity” Performance Standards for Institutions V iability (Financial) A ccountability (Internal Controls) C apability (Administrative) The rule requires that ODE approve only those sponsors capable of operating CACFP according to regulations… Handout “VAC”
Outside Employment Policy ODE’s “Outside Employment Policy” statement in Application Packet: All sponsors must have a policy that prohibits other employment that interferes with employee performance of Program-related duties and responsibilities.
“Integrity” Management Plan Criminal Convictions Certification The purpose of this provision in the law and the regs is to ensure that organizations and individuals whose actions have demonstrated a lack of business integrity are not permitted to enter or remain in CACFP. Also…
Criminal Convictions Certification (con’t)… The institution must state whether the institution or any of it’s principals have been convicted of a business-related offense in the past 7 years i.e. fraud, embezzlement, etc. AND…
Criminal Convictions Certification (con’t)… When either the institution or any of its principals have such a conviction during the past 7 years, the institution and/or principal is not eligible to participate in CACFP Contact ODE for guidance if needed
“Integrity” Management Plan Birthdate Requirement ODE is required to collect birthdates of principals and responsible individuals ODE gathers this during application process
“Integrity” Serious Deficiency, Process If ODE determines a sponsor is Seriously Deficient, the sponsor has days to correct the deficiency Serious deficiencies can be found during reviews, application renewals, and at other times such as audits
“Integrity” Corrective Action Corrective Action: Sponsor must take action to correct the serious deficiency permanently and adequately within the prescribed timeframe
“Integrity” Termination Process Termination: If the Serious Deficiency is not corrected adequately and permanently within the prescribed timeline; then ODE notifies sponsor of our intent to terminate the State Agency-Sponsor agreement due to the uncorrected serious deficiency
“Integrity Regulations” National Disqualified List: If agreement is terminated, ODE is required to submit name of sponsor, responsible principals and individuals, their birthdates and addresses to USDA
National Disqualified List If sponsor quits CACFP while in Seriously Deficient status, ODE is still required to place the institution, responsible principals and individuals on the National Disqualified List
National Disqualified List The sponsor, responsible principals and responsible individuals are on the list for up to 7 years If any outstanding CACFP debts exist after 7 years, all parties remain on the list until they are repaid
Summary of Requirements Daily: Meal Count Records Attendance Records Menus Monthly: Cost Records Reimbursement Claims Other: Annual Training Site Monitoring (multi- site programs) Civil Rights Annual Renewal Application Meet Integrity Performance Standands
What’s Next? Review of the CACFP At Risk Application (if not submitted yet) Decide if your organization wants to apply to the CACFP After School “At Risk: Meals and Snack Program OR Homeless Program If yes, complete and submit application to ODE. The remainder of the application process starts after ODE receives your application.
For your time and attention….