CLAUDE MONET Bouquet of Sunflowers This painting was done as oil on canvas in While looking at the painting, our eyes are drawn to the tallest sunflower in the vase. Many people feel happy or relaxed when looking at this impressionist piece of artwork. What stands out when you first see the artwork?
CLAUDE MONET Water Lilies Here we see a famous painting by Monet. One can see how the use of oil on canvas flows into one another giving the appearance of water. Is there one particular art element you notice in the painting?
VINCENT VAN GOGH Starry Night This is one of the most well known images in modern culture as well as being the most replicated. The use of swirling clouds with stars ablaze, holds our attention and keeps the sky moving as we follow the curves and dot-to-dot appearance of the stars. What object/objects capture your attention in painting?
VINCENT VAN GOGH The Potato Eaters The Potato Eaters is considered to be Van Gogh’s first great work of art. As you can see, five figures are sitting around a table eating potatoes. Although the painting is laced in darkness, the faces of the subjects are lit, allowing the viewer to feel their emotions. How does this painting make you feel?
GEORGIA O’KEEFFE Oriental Poppies Georgia O’Keeffe was an American artist known for her paintings of desert flowers, animal bones, shells, and rocks. Has contrast been used anywhere? Have any other art elements been used?
GEORGIA O’KEEFFE Horse Skull with Pink Rose The most well-known artwork O’Keeffe produced during her summer visits to New Mexico are the paintings of animal skulls. O’Keeffe was fascinated by the animal skulls she encountered while exploring the southwest landscape. What stands out most when you look at this artwork?
LEONARDO da VINCI Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa is a half- length portrait of a woman by Italian artist da Vinci. It is acclaimed as “the best known, the most visited, the most written about, and the most parodied work of art in the world.” The Mona Lisa is believed to have been painted between 1503 and As you look at the painting, what attracts your eye?
LEONARDA da VINCI The Last Supper The Last Supper is a 15 th century mural painting by Leonarda da Vinci. It was completed sometime between The painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. The mural was painted in a convent in Milan, Italy. What type of lines do you see? Any contrast? Has balance been incorporated?
REMBRANDT van RIJN The Storm on the Sea of Galilee This painting, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee, depicts the miracle of Jesus calming the waves of the sea as told in the Gospel of Mark. Rembrandt used bible themes in many of his paintings. This was his only seascape. The painting was completed in It was stolen from a museum in Boston, Massachusetts in What object in the painting captures your attention? What emotions do you feel when looking at this painting?
REMBRANDT van RIJN An Elephant Rembrandt is not only known for his paintings, but for his etchings and drawings as well. An Elephant was drawn in 1637 using black chalk and charcoal. As you can see, Rembrandt’s technique shows depth, form, and texture of the animal. Can you think of another title for this drawing?
PABLO PICASSO Weeping Woman Pablo Picasso is a 20 th century Spanish artist. He invented the art form of cubism. His paintings were not lifelike representations, but forms from many angles. His paintings look as though they have been broken into fragments and put back together in an abstract way. Look closely. Can you see the Weeping Woman?
PABLO PICASSO Mandolin and Guitar This abstract still-life painting by Picasso called, Mandolin and Guitar, was completed in Can you see the “hidden” Medusa-like face? Some say the sound holes in the instruments are “eyes’ and the teeth are “barred” under the table. What do you see?