Еat at pleasure, drink with measure. Ешь вволю, (а) пей в меру.


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Presentation transcript:

Еat at pleasure, drink with measure. Ешь вволю, (а) пей в меру. Тема: «Meals»

- Сформировать знания по теме«Meals» ЗАДАЧИ: ЦЕЛЬ: - Сформировать знания по теме«Meals» ЗАДАЧИ: познакомить с лексикой по теме «Meals», - воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре другой страны, - развивать способности к догадке на основе иллюстративной наглядности.

Listen to the DIALOGUE: Ann: What shall we have for breakfast? Ben: Let’s have bread and butter and a cup of tea. Ann: And what about you, John? John: I think I’d like a cup of milk.

Drinks: tea, … Vegetables: tomatoes, … Fruits: apples, … Cold food: cheese, … Hot food: fish,… Sweet food: pie,…

What would you like : 1) for breakfast ? 2) for dinner? 3) for supper?

What do you usually have for breakfast? I usually have for breakfast … cup of tea Eggs with sausages piroshky

What do you usually have for Dinner What do you usually have for Dinner? Образец: I usually have for Dinner… A sоup A salad a fish a pizza

What do you usually have for supper? I usually have for supper … a meat sausages a porridge mushrooms

LESSON 30, EX. III, IV с.142 cabbage meat fish carrot poultry eggs potatoes sugar ice-cream beans salt butter bread juice What we can eat? – We can eat … What we can drink? – We can drink …

Rabbit likes to eat … We eat soup with … Little mouse likes … Tiger would like to eat … We drink coffee with … Children drink tea with … and …

1. eat/in the morning/porridge/I Составьте предложения: 1. eat/in the morning/porridge/I 2. She/milk/with/coffee/drink/does not 3. hamburgers/they/with/like/cheese 4. We/eat/for breakfast/do not/pizza/salad/fish/or 5. For supper/would/I/orange/like/juice 6.are/tea/drinking/they/and/cake/a/nice/eating/chocolate 7. Does not/Lizzy/mineral/drink/water

Представьте что вы с другом/подругой пришли на ужин в ресторан Представьте что вы с другом/подругой пришли на ужин в ресторан. Разыграйте диалог: что вы любите есть? чтобы вы хотели съесть? Расскажите о своих вкусах и пристрастиях в еде.

Model: I like en egg and tea with bread and butter for breakfast Model: I like en egg and tea with bread and butter for breakfast. Apples breakfast Bananas Hotdog Piroshky dinner Mushrooms Eggs with sausages supper a meat sausage the first course An ice-cream a sandwich the second course A salad a fish the dessert a pizza A sup the sweet dish a porridge Cup of coffee cup of tea lunch Juice sweets

What food is healthy?

Are you a healthy person?

1.Do you often go to McDonalds? A) never b) seldom c) often

2. What would you eat for breakfast 2. What would you eat for breakfast? A) porridge b) hamburger with tea c) pizza with coke

3. What would you eat for dinner 3. What would you eat for dinner? A) porridge b) meat c) I would go to McDonalds

4. What would you eat for supper? A) salad with orange juice b) cheese c) hamburger

5. Do you do morning exercises? A) every morning b)seldom c) never

A: You are a healthy person B: You have some problems with your health C: Only doctor can help you!

Разгадайте чайнворд: впишите слова так, чтобы каждое слово начиналось с последней буквы предыдущего слова. m t s r e Гриб мясо помидор сахар рис есть t a e s o Чай яблоко яйца соль помидор апельсин

А сейчас поиграем в лото: ЛОТО А сейчас поиграем в лото: Fish cheese tea juice coffee meat sausage apple Sandwich porridge lemon honey carrot Milk butter grape Bread Sugar cabbage soup Corn banana sweets peach

Игра «A spelling stair» m o t h e r a p e o p l e n d а u g h t e r i g a m e

ДОМАШНЕЕ ЗАДАНИЕ: заучить новую лексику и составить полилог «В ресторане».

Спасибо за внимание!