“Betrayed and alone” Jesus seals His mission at Gethsemane Andy Dymond Mark 14: 27-52
The hours of our salvation unfold The purpose of Christ’s mission comes to its head Events he foreknew and that must take place The disciples learn this only through default and failings, trial, error, repentance & restoration except for one Despite these failings they would, in the end, put it all together in hindsight, understand the whole (Luke 24: ) and take the gospel into the world
Five themes describe this drama 1.The context – The last supper and institution of the new covenant in Christ’s blood 2.The contrasts - One disciple on a path that led sadly into real abandonment and betrayal. The others (Peter in particular) fail through forgivable weaknesses 3.The causes – of failure, desertion & betrayal 4.The choice – prayerful, lonely decision to go with “Plan A” 5.The clarity – Christ’s mission is redemption not a rebellion
The context The last supper announcing the blood of the new Covenant (14:24 – compare Luke 22:20 “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”) - sets the immutable course of the next day Gethsemane was hard – harder than anything Jesus had done before – but it was set in the unfolding history Satan would seek to disrupt the course & destroy the disciples’ spirit through division, dispute, disharmony and confusion The communion is a constant declaration & memory of our Lord’s strength, resolve and victory
The contrast Peter and the others ….. “You will all fall away” ….. Jesus knew they would fail – Zech 13:7 false shepherds would fall away, while others will be refined, tested and prove to be true. But they would still be with him after the resurrection (v.27-28) Peter would outdo the others both with his assertion of loyalty and his denials (v 29-31) – Peter was a special target of Satan, but Christ’s prayer for him focused on restoration and leadership (Luke 22: 31-32) They were not watchful and prayerful, but they were ready to fight ….. (v.47, Compare Luke 22: 49-51)
Judas ……. Chosen by Christ to be one of the twelve - “Was one of our number and shared in our ministry” (Peter, Acts 1: 17) Seemed to have priorities and hindrances that led him from the centrality of Christ (money? power? …. It’s not clear) Became hindered in his loyalty over issues such as the extravagant devotion of the woman who anointed Jesus (v.10) Satan entered him (Luke 22:3) and he became a part of essential history but cannot be seen as a helpless pawn in God’s will (v.21) ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ – “I only did what you wanted me to Christ!” – Compare James 1:13-15, – Genesis 4: 6-7 (Cain)
The causes of abandonment Jesus’ daily strength came from his prayer life and relationship with His father The disciples’ collective failures came from several areas: Lack of understanding of the unfolding narrative Lack of prayer and watchfulness against temptation – to understand? deny him? Make wrong choices in the days ahead? Simple tiredness lack of strength “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (14: 38) Confusion - Were they to defend Christ or not? Luke 22 Lack of seeing the outcome – resurrection No power of the Spirit yet
Jesus went out to pray alone and asked Peter, James and John to stay back, keeping watch (14:34) Overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death – fell to the ground to ask the Father if it were possible to escape this Alone from his disciples, sweating it out, but not entirely alone – an angel ministered to him (Luke 22: 43) He knew the answer but the process was essential to his sacrifice and ultimate priesthood (Heb. 5: 7-9) The prayer of seeking was important to Christ’s “perfection” The choice - “to go with the plan”
The clarity of Christ’s mission Sandwiched between the dramas of His battle in prayer and the arrest …. the final chance to draw a line between the human and spiritual means of power The disciples had two swords (Luke 22:38) …. That would have been more than enough if God’s purposes included force (Matt. 26: 52-54) We cannot know if Jesus was being tempted to let them fight, but THEY were tempted Jesus’ clear response was “No” … that is not how it works (v.48) …… and that is never how it will work.
Applications for us Celebrate The integration of the Lord’s supper with our redemption – A weekly reminder of the cost and reality of the new covenant – but also a participation/communion in Christ’s sacrifice and victory We can be redeemed and restored from our failures Be on guard by prayer, watchfulness and welcoming the Spirit For ourselves …… and the temptations we face, or the opportunities we have to speak and act for Christ clearly For the church - Christ’s body – our discernment of God’s will For the needy world in a framework of Christ’s love and power