El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.” -Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Antes de empezar 1.What is the name of the movie we watched? 2.What novel is the movie based on? 3.Who wrote the novel? 4.Tell me about the author. 5.What year was it published? 6.Where is La Mancha, what is its significance?
Monument to Don Quixote and Dulcinea, Castilla- La Mancha, Spain. Click to see the windmills on instant street view Click here to read about the history of the "molinos"
Define que es un caballero andante (knight-errant).
Knight / Knight Errant (in the Middle Ages) a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor. a man devoted to the service of a woman or a cause. a medieval knight wandering in search of chivalrous adventures.
Define que es un escudero (squire).
Knights in training A squire would be a teenage boy, in his training to become a knight. A boy became a squire at the age of 15. This was the second stage to becoming a knight, after serving first as a page. The typical jobs of a squire Carrying the knight's armor, shield, sword Holding any prisoners the knight takes, Rescuing the knight should the knight be taken prisoner Ensuring an honorable burial of the knight in the event of his death
Define caballerosidad (chivalry).
chiv·al·ry the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. knights, noblemen, and horsemen collectively. the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.
1.Compare and contrast Don Quixote from the movie to Don Quixote from the novel.
2.En tu opinión, ¿Por qué quiere (he want) Alonso Quijano ser un caballero? Also, explain the role that chivalry plays in the story.
3.Dime (tell me), ¿quién es Sancho Panza? Compara y contrasta Sancho Panza de la película al personaje (character) de la novela.
4. Compara y contrasta ambos (both) personajes Sancho y Don Quixote. And why do you think that Sancho Pancho decided to accompany Don Quixote?
4. Dime (tell me), ¿quién es Dulcinea/Aldonza Lorenzo? Compara y contrasta Dulcinea/Aldonza Lorenzo de la película al personaje (character) de la novela. vs.
5. What is the purpose of Dulcinea’s character in the movie if she doesn’t really exist in the novel? And do you think that the portrayal of Dulcinea in the movie adds or detracts value from the story of Don Quixote?
6. En tu opinión, ?Crees que Don Quixote está loco de verdad? Is he truly crazy in the novel? Or is his behavior a conscious choice?
7. Why do think that the movie was depicted differently than the novel and which did you prefer?
Ahora vas a escribir… Choose a topic and write at least ½ page with supporting arguments. 1.Do you believe that Alonso Quijano is really senile (crazy because of old age) or do you think that his behavior is a conscious choice? 2. Did the alternate ending in the movie, told from Rocio’s perspective, add or detract value from the story? 3. Did the portrayal of “Dulcinea” in the movie add value or detract value from the plot? 4. Why do you think the movie is depicted differently than the novel? Which ending do you prefer and why?