The Raising of Lazarus - Rembrandt
Entry into Jerusalem - Giottto
Scourging the Moneychangers from the Temple - El Greco
The Washing of the Feet - Tintoretto
The Last Supper - da Vinci
The Last Supper - de Juanes
The Last Supper - Ghirlandaio
The Last Supper - Duccio
The Last Supper - Tintoretto
The Last Supper - Rubens
Agony in the Garden - Mantegna
Agony in the Garden - Bellini
Judas’ Kiss - Giotto
The Betrayal of Jesus - Caravaggio
The Denial of St. Peter - van Honthorst The Denial of St. Peter - van Honthorst
Passion of Christ - Memling
The Passion of Christ - Holbein
The Crowning with Thorns - Titian
Christ before Pilate - Tintoretto
Ecce Homo - Caravaggio
Christ Carrying the Cross - Tiepolo
The Crucifixion - Grünewald
View from the Cross - Tissot
The Descent from the Cross - Rembrandt
Pieta - Michelangelo
Pieta - Bellini
The Lamentation - Giotto
Entombment - van der Weyden
The Entombment - Raphael
Resurrection - Bellini
The Resurrection - Mantegna
The Risen Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen - Rembrandt
Noli Me Tangere - Titian
Supper at Emmaus - Rembrandt
Supper at Emmaus - Caravaggio
Doubting Thomas - Rubens
Pictures: Music: Romanian Orthodox Chant ”Hristos a Inviat!” (”Christ is Risen!”) 2009, April Andreea