Café Church Parade What: Founder, food and fun When: 6pm pm, Thurs 27 September Where: Upstairs on level 2 as the main hall will be an election booth. You will hear about William and Catherine Booth (no relation!)
3 PRAYER BREAKFAST Saturday 29 th September 7:30 am
Youth Group Activity September 29 th 7pm till 9.30pm Cost $5 (supper provided) Bring a friend
Major Sandra Lesar’s Retirement Service 30 th September at 3pm Please see Annette Valtonen if you are able to bring a plate of food.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Filled shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child are needed back here at the hall …. (see Jill Butler) Please include $8 for postage in the envelope provided.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 ACT & South NSW Women’s Retreat 2012 Monday 29th to Wednesday 31 st October Warrambui Conference Centre Forms out soon See Fran for more details
MEN’S WEEKEND ! (JUST FOR BLOKES) 9-11 November 2012 The Salvation Army ACT & South NSW Divisional Men’s Camp See your Corps Officer for Application Forms Applications to your Corps Officer/ Leader Friday 19th October 2012
EVER WONDERED WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A CHRISTIAN? WHAT DOES THE SALVATION ARMY SAY ABOUT BEING SAVED? WHERE DID THE SALVATION ARMY COME FROM? WHAT ARE THE SALVATION ARMY’S RELIGIOUS BELIEFS? WHAT DOES THE SOLDIERSHIP COVENANT REQUIRE OF ME? WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BECOME A SOLDIER OF THE SALVATION ARMY? If you have ever asked any of these questions then... is for you An intensive weekend training for recruits/prospective soldiers will be held at... Leeton Corps on 23 – 25 November ‘12 Information & Registration Forms are available from your Corps Officer
PRIME TIME END OF YEAR FUNCTION Boat Trip to the Governor Generals Residence Followed by lunch at the Canberra Yacht Club Date: Thursday 29 th November - Bookings close Thursday 15 th November COST $35
1 John 1: 9 NIV