Relationships With Brethren Rom. 12:9-13. Introduction Christians often mistake a growing congregation with “church growth”. –This supposed growth is.


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Presentation transcript:

Relationships With Brethren Rom. 12:9-13

Introduction Christians often mistake a growing congregation with “church growth”. –This supposed growth is nothing more than Christians moving into the area OR moving their “membership” from one congregation in the area to another. –This is not “church growth” but a “Christian shift” in the Lord’s church: in reality, there is no growth at all. –But, this church feels good about itself as the church building becomes filled.

Introduction What if the church were evangelistic and God gave the increase? The result: the church building becomes filled with a ton of worldly people! The ramification: a ton of baggage in the Lord’s church.

Getting At the Heart of Things The reality is that when a person is added to the Lord’s church, he/she brings “baggage” into the kingdom. –There is the behavioral baggage. cp. 1 Cor. 6:11 –There is the belief baggage. cp. Acts 15:1ff –Some brethren will believe and do things you do not think “wise” or possibly “scriptural”.

Getting At the Heart of Things Baggage coupled with beliefs/practices by some brethren: –Some want to literally lift up “holy hands” (1 Tim. 2:8) when praying or singing to God? –Some want to greet you with a “holy kiss”? Rom. 16:16 –Some decide to fall prostrate in prayer. 1 Cor. 14:25 –The elders decide to “lay hands” upon brethren when set apart for certain service among the saints. Acts 13:3 –Some decide to religiously celebrate the birth of Christ during Christmas (even if they don’t think His birthday is on Dec. 25). –Other Christians believe such behavior or beliefs are odd at best and unscriptural at worst.

Getting At the Heart of Things Consider some other divisive “issues” among brethren: –Head-covering (1 Cor. 11)….order of the Lord’s Supper (Lk. 22:19; Matt. 26:26; 1 Cor. 11:26)…. One cup or many…. Number of faithful children needed to be an elder (Tit. 1:5-6)….demanding name of church be “… church of Christ”… Bible classes or not? –In other words – even within our own cherished hermeneutical system of “Bible Authority” (via “CENI”) we struggle to find complete consistency.

Getting At the Heart of Things NOTE: Did our Old Testament forefathers use CENI consistently? –When they decided to create their “altar of witness”? Josh. 22:28-30 –When they established the “Feast of Purim” after being delivered from Haman’s plot to have them destroyed? Esther 9:18-23ff –When establishing synagogues?

How do Christians Get Along with One Another? Put on Christ. Col. 3:12-17; Rom. 12:9-16; 1 Cor. 10:23ff; Eph. 4:1ff –More than anything else: they learn to “put on Christ.” –Let’s rephrase: YOU learn to put on Christ. Ultimately, what you practice is nothing less than love. 1 Cor. 13 Remember: a changed mind will create changed behavior. Rom. 12:2

Conclusion Remember: the Lord’s church is made up of “saved sinners”. We bring baggage (immorality, pride, arrogance, etc., etc.) into the Lord’s church. How we relate to one another as we strive to grow in Christ is directly correlated to how we relate to our God.