1 اعداد : د. زكية الصيعري كلية العلوم للبنات Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
Refrences: المراجع 1- First course in order statistics Arnold, Balakrishnan and Nagaraja 2- Order statistics H. A. David 3- الإحصاءات الترتيبية للدكتورة ثروت محمد عبدالمنعم- مكتبة المتنبي 2
3Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
Definition The order statistics of a random sample X1,...,Xn are the sample values placed in ascending order. They are denoted by X(1),...,X(n). The smallest of the Xi,s is denoted by X1:n, the second smallest is denoted by X2:n,…, and finally the largest is denoted by Xn:n thus order statistics are random variables that satisfy X(1) < X(2) <· · · · < X(n). The 4Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
5 الإحصاءات المرتبة : هي عناصر عينة عشوائية مرتبة من الأصغر إلى الأكبر. وفي أغلب مناقشاتنا للإحصاءات المرتبة سوف نعتبر العينة العشوائية تتبع توزيعات متصلة. Example: Let x1 = 0.62, x2 = 0.98, x3= 0.31, x4 = 0.81, x5 = 0.53 are observation for independent expeirement, the order statistics of it are: Y1 = 0.31, y2 = 0.53, y3 = 0.62, y4 = 0.81, y5= 0.98 Y3 = 0.62 is the median and the range = y5 - y1= 0.98 – 0.31 = 0.67 ; Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
6 ORDER STATISTICS If X 1, X 2,…,X n be a r.s. of size n from a population with continuous pdf f(x), then the joint pdf of the order statistics X (1), X (2),…,X (n) is = 0 (elsewhere) Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
7 ORDER STATISTICS Example 1:كتاب الإحصاءات الترتيبية صفحة 4 Find the joint pdf of the order statistics for the uniform distribution, the standard exponential distribution and normal distribution? Solution: p.d.f for the uniform is: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
8 ORDER STATISTICS Solution: p.d.f for the standard Exponential distribution is: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
9 ORDER STATISTICS Solution: p.d.f for the standard normal distribution is: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
10 The marginal distributions for the Oder Statistics p.d.f of the rth order statistics: Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be a r.s. of size n from a population with continuous pdf f(x), then the p.d.f. of the rth order statistics X (r) is given as: PROOF: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
11 ORDER STATISTICS r -th Order Statistic y y1y1 y2y2 y r-1 yryr y r+1 ynyn … … P(X<y r )P(X>y r ) f(y r ) # of possible orderings n!/{(r 1)!1!(n r)!} Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
12 The marginal distributions for the oder statistics p.d.f of the largest order statistics: Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be a r.s. of size n from a population with continuous pdf f(x), then the p.d.f. of the Largest order statistics Y (n) is given as: PROOF: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
13 The marginal distributions for the oder statistics p.d.f of the smallest order statistics: Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be a r.s. of size n from a population with continuous pdf f(x), then the p.d.f. of the smallest order statistics X (1) is given as: PROOF: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
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15 Example Let are an O. S. of sample size n = 6 and the p.d.f. of this sample is Find: Solution: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
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17 Example Let is a random sample from beta population with parameters. Let the order statistics of the sample, Find: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
18Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary Solution:
Solution Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary19
20 Example Let is a random sample from standard uniform distribution. Find: p.d.f. for the median? ________________________________________ m m Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
21 Joint p.d.f. of i -th and j-th Order Statistic (for i<j) Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be a r.s. of size n from a population with continuous pdf f(x), and Y 1 < Y 2 <…<Y n are the order statistics of that sample, then the p.d.f. of the two order statistics Y i < Y j, i<j and i,j = 1,2, …,n is given as Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
22 ORDER STATISTICS Joint p.d.f. of i -th and j-th Order Statistic (for i<j) y y1y1 y2y2 y i-1 yiyi y i+1 ynyn … … P(X<y i )P(y i <X<y j ) f(y i ) # of possible orderings n!/{(i 1)!1!(j-i-1)!1!(n j)!} y j-1 yjyj y j+1 i-1 itemsj-i-1 itemsn-j items 1 item P(X>y j ) f(y j ) Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
23 Example Let is a random sample from beta population with parameters. Let the order statistics of the sample, Find: 1- Joint p.d.f. for ( ) 2- Let n = 4 then find Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
24 Example Let the order statistics of random sample with size n = 5, from distribution with p.d.f. Prove that the two O.S. Are independent. Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
Solution Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary26
Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary27
Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary28
29 c.d.f of the rth order statistics: Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be an independent and identical r.s. of size n from a population with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x), then the c.d.f. of the rth order statistics X (r) is given as: PROOF: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
Special cases: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary31 p.d.f of the rth order statistics:
32 c.d.f of the rth order statistics: Theorem: If X 1, X 2,…,X n be an independent and identical r.s. of size n from a population with pdf f(x) and cdf F(x), then the c.d.f. of the rth order statistics X (r) is given as: PROOF: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
Special case: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary34 p.d.f of the rth order statistics:
صور أخرى لدالة التوزيع التراكمية للإحصاء المرتب الرائي مثبتة في الكتب: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary35
36 Example Let the order statistics of the sample with n = 5, from the distribution Find: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary
38 Example Let the order statistics of the sample with n = 5, from the distribution Find: Dr. Zakeia A.Alsaiary