World Consumption Project Giovanni Santangelo
Questions 1). What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? The country that has the largest column is China. I think that this country has more internet users because it has the highest population. 2). What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country with the lowest internet users is Cameroon. The reason is because it is a small country and has the smallest population. 3). Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. My fifth country is Mexico (developing). My sixth country is Italy (developed). Even if Mexico is a developing country, the population of Mexico (114 million) is almost double than that of Italy (61 million). That’s why Mexico has more internet users. 4). Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Canada is a developed country and Pakistan is still developing. Pakistan has to increase GDP so more on the population can afford electronics devices and internet. 5). Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on the world consumption. China stands out to me on the chart because it has the world’s biggest population. Since there are so many people the country probably uses a lot of the world’s oil, water, electricity, etc.
Questions 1). What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think this country has the highest amount? The biggest country that has the most population rate is China. I think this country has the highest population because is a big country where a lot of people live. 2). What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country that has the lowest column is Cameroon. This country has the smallest column because in this country a lot of people maybe emigrated for work. It is also can’t have a lot of people like China because it is too small. 3). Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. My 5 th country is Germany (developed). My 6 th country is France (developed). This countries are ranked in the middle of the population because they are smaller, developed countries. 4.) Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. My 7 th country is Italy (developed). My 8 th country is Algeria (developing). To improve its ranking, Algeria would have to work on its unemployment, housing, electrical, and water problems. 5).Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on the world consumption. The country that stands out to me on the chart is China. This country has the highest column because it is big in fact it has bigger population of the world!
Questions 1). What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think this country has the highest amount? The country that has the highest column for oil consumption is the U.S.A. The reasons that the U.S has the most oil consumption is because it receives 25% of the oil in the world each year. It is also because most American families have two cars and they consume a lot of oil. 2). What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? The country that has the smallest column is Cameroon. I think that this country has the smallest column because it is developing and it is really small, and has a small economy. 3). Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. My 5 th country is Germany (developed). The 6 th country on my graph is France (developed). I think these countries are in the 5 th and 6 th rankings because they both have large economies and a large populations. 4). Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. My 7 th country is Italy (developed). My 8 th country is Algeria (developing). To get to the top half of the rankings, Algeria would have to improve its economy. When the economy increases then there would be more cars for people. And if there are a lot of cars, Algeria would surely need oil for the cars. 5). Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on the world consumption. The country that stands out to me on the chart other than the U.S. is China. This country has the largest population and so there are a lot of cars and oil. If China was a small country, there would not be a lot of oil like the U.S.