Round to the nearest hundred Round to the nearest hundred. 615 2,438 75, 811 Round to the nearest thousand. 3, 370 197, 642
Arrange the following numbers in order, beginning with the smallest
Write each number in expanded form. 54,321 7,089 168,332
Add in chunks. 723 + 868 = 415 + 362=
Compare using >, <, or =. Place your answer inside the circle Compare using >, <, or =. Place your answer inside the circle. 1 hundred thousand 10,000 200 thousands 4 hundreds 204,000 7 hundreds + 4 thousands + 27 6 thousands + 4 hundreds 1,000,000 10 hundred thousands
Lisa scored 2,347 points in a video game Lisa scored 2,347 points in a video game. That was 1,356 more points than Max’s score on the same video game. How many points did Max score?
Louisiana State University’s Football Stadium has a seating capacity of 92,542. According to the 2010 census, the population of San Jose, CA was approximately ten times the amount of people that LSU’s stadium can seat. What was the population of San Jose? Write the seating capacity of the LSU stadium in words and in expanded form. Round the LSU stadium’s seating capacity to the nearest ten thousand and to the nearest thousand. Compare the stadium’s seating rounded to the nearest ten thousand and the seating rounded to the nearest thousand using >, <, or =. Which estimate (rounding to the nearest ten thousand or nearest thousand) is more accurate? Use words and numbers to explain.