Second Grade, Common Core Learning Task Unit Lesson Plan Measuring Penny Second Grade, Common Core Learning Task Standard: 2.MD.A.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. 2.MD.A.2 Measure the length of an object twice using length units of different lengths for the two measurements: describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen. 2.MD.A.4 Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another, express the length difference in terms of a standard length unit. 2.MD.B.5 Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the same units, e.g. by using drawings (such as drawings of rulers) and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Student Objective Statement: I can measure using standard units (inches/centimeters). I can choose appropriate tools. I can create story problems using addition and subtraction strategies. I can solve story problems using words, pictures, and equations. I can record data on a table. Essential questions: When is measurement used at school? At home? The larger world? Related questions: How do I use tools to measure and compare objects? How do I use addition and subtraction when measuring? Activities & Sequencing: Hook/Engage (5 mins): Sequence of whole group, small group, & Independent work: Set the purpose by introducing the Book Measuring Penny & having students complete a quick review to access prior knowledge through the following sites using iPods, iPads or computers. Whole group, read Measuring Penny (5-10 mins). Whole group, complete chart on slide 3. Identify measuring tools and what was measured from the story. Measuring Activity #1: Introduce step #1, Review expectations for cooperative learning time, partner assignments and mathematical practices. Students break into groups to measure 5 different classroom items using a non standard unit, aka dog biscuits (10-15mins). Whole group, introduce step 2 of Activity #1. Think, Pair, & Share with partners to complete step #2 (10-15 mins). Measuring activity 2 (centimeters), slides 7-8. This may be completed at a separate time or day (10-15 mins). Measuring activity 3 (inches), slides 9-10. This may be completed at a separate time or day (10-15 mins). Reread Measuring Penny. Using a stuffed animal brought from home, students will complete the learning task on slides 11-12. The actual student created problems can be treated as an exit slip or cumulative project depending on the assessment purpose, formative or summative (20-30 mins)
Written by Loreen Leedy Common Core Lesson by Charity Dowell Measuring Penny Quick Review… Let’s Read… Written by Loreen Leedy Common Core Lesson by Charity Dowell
What tools did Lisa use to measure? What did Lisa Measure? Whole Group
Let’s explore measuring… Materials we’ll need! Book Computer Ruler Classroom objects Stuffed Animal Tape Measurer Dog Biscuits
Measuring Activity Part 1 1. With a partner, list and measure 5 different classroom objects with dog biscuits. Record your answers on the measurement chart. 2. Use the smallest and largest lengths to create a story problem.
Number of Dog Biscuits Long Number of Dog Biscuits Long Measurement Chart Object Name Number of Dog Biscuits Long 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Object Name Number of Dog Biscuits Long 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Measuring Activity Part 2 1. Choose an appropriate tool & remeasure your smallest and largest objects in centimeters. 2. Use the centimeter measurements to create an addition story problem.
Object Name Object Name Object Name Object Name Number of Centimeters Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Centimeters Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Centimeters Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Centimeters Long Largest Object Smallest Object
Measuring Activity Part 3 1. Choose an appropriate tool & remeasure your smallest and largest objects in inches. 2. Use the inch measurements to create a subtraction story problem.
Object Name Object Name Object Name Object Name Number of Inches Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Inches Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Inches Long Largest Object Smallest Object Object Name Number of Inches Long Largest Object Smallest Object
Learning Task… Using an appropriate tool to measure the length of your stuffed animal in centimeters. Record your answer. Using the same tool, measure a friend’s stuffed animal. Create a subtraction story problem about your measurements. Use pictures, equations, and words to show your solution path.
Stuffed Animal Stuffed Animal Stuffed Animal Stuffed Animal Number of centimeters Long My Stuffed animal __________’s stuffed animal Stuffed Animal Number of centimeters Long My Stuffed animal __________’s stuffed animal Stuffed Animal Number of centimeters Long My Stuffed animal __________’s stuffed animal Stuffed Animal Number of centimeters Long My Stuffed animal __________’s stuffed animal