Translation into film: Is Cinema a language? The structuralist definition states that a language has 2 levels of articulation. 1: Articulation of Smallest Functional Units 2: Articulation of Smallest Meaningful Units t,p, b allow for the articulation of different signs such as tin go, come, take allow for the articulation of sentences such as pin bin we go we come we take
Translation into film: Is Cinema a language? Is there such a system of double articulation in film that uses 2 types of units to produce a third one? Units without meanings combined to form Units with meanings combined to form Syntactic units of language Graphemes Phonemes Words Sentences
Translation into film: Is Cinema a language? No
Translation into film: Is Cinema a language? Yes
Translation into film: Is Cinema a language? Yes
Something else
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language and Chronogenesis “Language is a dynamic system of thoughts. Not a fixed system of signs.” “Langue” or Language Langue refers to the system of signs used to communicate. The approach is grammatical. “Parole” or Discourse Parole refers to utterances produced by the use of Langue. The approach is pragmatic.
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language and Chronogenesis LanguageDiscourseLinguistics Grammar Generative Grammar Psychology Rhetoric Structuralism
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said Operative Time
Langue Language Parole Discourse 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language
Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse What is Unsayable? And how does the Unsayable becomes Sayable? 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse Simple percepts in stage 1 are transformed into concepts in stage 2 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse Proper translation has to retrieve the intended message in stage 1 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse From a permanent system of signs to the actualization 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse From Representation to Expression 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse From Expression to Impression 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Psychomechanichs of language Operative Time Langue Language Parole Discourse From Expression to Impression 1 Unsayable2 Sayable 3 Saying4 Said
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents The present of the action The present of the witness The present of the utterance The present of the reception
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents The present of the action The present of the witness The present of the utterance The present of the reception Sometimes, the performer, the witness, the receiver are present together
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents The present of the action The present of the witness The present of the utterance The present of the reception Most of the times, this is not the case!
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents The present of the action The present of the witness The present of the utterance The present of the reception Most of the times, this is not the case!
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents The present of the action The present of the witness The present of the utterance The present of the reception This is also possible!
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Representing actions with words The traditional scientific aporia of the many presents has its origin in this representation of time Where several Nows separate the line of Time Into several different Pasts and Futures. Past Future PastFuture
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis Instead of analyzing the representation of actions on the sole basis of a pre-determined representation of Time, Guillaume proposes that the representation of actions with words contributes to the representation of Time…
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis The formation of the image of time or chronogenesis is observable as a thought process in the activity of the producer of the message. in Possein Fieriin Esse
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis The action described by the verb is seen as a tension towards its achievement. The meaning of an occurrence is determined by its position in this process. in Possein Fieriin Esse PossibleProbableActual
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis The verb does not only point to the identification of the instant of the action (now) but also to the stage of development in the process of accomplishing the action in Possein Fieriin Esse PossibleProbableActual
Gustave Guillaume Chronogenesis We identify this capacity of the verb as its plasticity. Something very important when coming to translate words into images… in Possein Fieriin Esse To go I will go I am going I will be going I went I will have gone Je me suis couché de bonne heure