1. Log on to MyData using your SSO
2. On the MyData tool bar, using your mouse, click the drop down menu titled School. 3. Click on the report titled, Alerts, Elementary if you’re at an elementary school or Alerts, Secondary if you’re at a secondary school.
4. Once you get to the Alerts report, there are a few ways to manipulate the data. If you want more details on the Alerts, you can click the tabs on the top of the page. If you want to view a specific demographic (ethnicity, lang. class., grade, gender, gifted, SPED, or school year), click on one of the filters on the left tool bar (more details on the next slide).
4a. For example, if you wanted to view the Alerts of a specific grade, click on the filter on the toolbar to the left of the page titled Grade. 4b. When the text box opens up, select the grade(s) that you want to view in the box on the right side. 4c. The grade(s) will appear then appear in the box on the left side. 4d. Then click OK on the bottom right side of the text box. The text box will disappear and the grade(s) you chose to view will appear in the drop down menu selected. 4a 4c 4b 4d 4e. Once you have identified the grade (or any other demographic) that you would like to view, click Go on the bottom of the left toolbar in order to update the report with the specific demographic. 4e
5. When you are ready to download the report, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the link titled, Download. A box will appear with different options for downloading. Click on the most appropriate option based on your computer and preferences. After choosing the application you want to download the data to, an Open/Save download box will appear. If you would like to view the report, click the bubble titled Open with and then click OK.
6. Once your document has downloaded, you will have to make a few changes to the document in order to manipulate the data. If a yellow box pops up with the words Enable Editing, please click the box or you will be unable to make changes to the document. Follow these directions to make changes: A. Highlight rows 1-7, right click and select Delete. This will delete the empty space and move your data up to the first row. Scroll to the bottom of the page and highlight the 3 rows with the total number of students and disclaimer, right click and then click Delete. This will delete merged columns enabling you to sort the data. C. Place a filter on row 1 by clicking the filter icon on your Excel toolbar. After clicking the icon a drop down menu will appear, select the word Filter. Drop down arrows will be on the column header. *Please keep in mind that Excel data filtering first became available on Office Older version of Office will not support filtering. B. Delete any columns that you don’t need (i.e., Cost Center, School Name, etc.). This can be accomplished by highlighting the entire column, right clicking, and choosing the word Delete. You may also want decrease the size of the columns.
7. Once you have filters on your column headers, go to the column titled At Risk Count. Click the filter on this column and select Sort Largest to Smallest. A second arrow will appear on the At Risk Count drop down menu indicating that you have sorted the data largest to smallest. Students will now be listed in order by those that have the most alerts to those that have the least amount of alerts. 8. After sorting the students from largest to smallest alerts, you can also filter by a grade level, gender, ethnicity, language classification, SpEd or Gifted. Identify the column that corresponds with the subgroup you want to filter by, click the filter on that column, deselect the box titled Select All (all the checks will disappear) and click the box next to the subgroup that you want to isolate for.
9. After you have formatted the data, in order to print so that all the columns fit on a page you may want to do 1 of the following: A. Select Page Layout on the top menu toolbar, click Orientation and then choose Landscape. Then click File, select Print, click on the drop down menu titled No Scaling, and then choose the option Fit All Columns on One Page. When you print, all the columns will fit onto 1 page (but you may have multiple pages print depending on the number of rows with information listed on the page). *The only drawback to this option is the data may print out really small. B. Select Page Layout on the menu top toolbar, click Orientation and then choose Landscape. Then click Size and choose 8.5”x14”. Then click File, select Print, click on the drop down menu titled No Scaling, and then choose the option Fit All Columns on One Page. When you print, all the columns will fit onto 1 page (but you may have multiple pages print depending on the number of rows with information listed on the page).
If you have further questions please or contact Will Downing, Instructional Data Coordinator. My is and my phone number is