Unicellular- Consisting of one cell Multicellular- Consisting of many cells Prokaryote- an organism with only one cell and no nucleus Eukaryote- an organism.


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Presentation transcript:

Unicellular- Consisting of one cell Multicellular- Consisting of many cells Prokaryote- an organism with only one cell and no nucleus Eukaryote- an organism with cells and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane

Cell- The smallest unit of life!!! Heterotroph (consumer)- an organism that eats producers or other organisms for energy Producer (autotroph)- an organism that makes its own food through photosynthesis Nucleus- The “brain” of the cell

Heterotroph- Organisms that consume food (consumer) Autotroph- Organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis (producer) Unicellular- Consisting of one cell Multicellular- Consisting of many cells Nucleus- The “brain” of the cell Prokaryote- an organism with only one cell and no nucleus Eukaryote- an organism with cells and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane Cell- The smallest unit of life!!!


Classification the grouping of things according to similar characteristics Classify putting things into groups or categories

Why do we use classification systems? Gives order to the world Easily understood and communicated

Taxonomy The science of classification Aristotle developed one of the first classification systems TWO MAIN CATEGORIES: Plants Animals Water-dwellers… animals that swim Land-dwellers…. animals that walk/run Air-Dwellers… animals that fly

Carolus Linnaeus developed the modern classification system

Modern Classification System 7 major groups/levels Kingdom---- (Largest most general) Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species---- (Smallest most Specific) Organisms Grouped together based on similarities in form, structure, genetics, etc. The more levels organisms share, the more characteristics they will have in common

Organisms Grouped together based on similarities in form, structure, genetics, etc The more levels organisms share, the more characteristi cs they will have in common

Binomial Nomenclature Naming method consisting of two words Genus and Species Genus must be capitalized All must be underlined or italicized Species is lower case Ex. Homo sapiens

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ailuropoda Species: melanoleuca Ailuropoda melanoleuca Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Cetacea Family Delphinidae Genus Tursiops Species truncates Tursiops truncates

7 Levels of Classification Mnemonic Device You can remember the correct classification sequence from the largest (most general) to the smallest (most specific) group. Just remember the following sentence: “ Kings Play Cards On Fat Green Stools ” The first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of each classification level. Assignment: in your field guide, create a color illustration of the mnemonic you think would be the most helpful and interesting to remember. The illustration: (1) must be neat and colorful (2) must take up a whole page (3) must include the mnemonic phrase in large, neat print for a title.