1. Name the level of structure
2. The entire object below represents which level of structure?
3. Each Bacteria cell below is a: A. Unicellular organism B. Multicellular organism
4. Giant Clam A. Unicellular ? Or B. Multicellular
5. Red blood cells A Specialized cells B Non specialized
6. The White blood cell is… A. A Unicellular organism B. Part of a multicellular organism C. Too small to be alive
7. Muscle cells all together. Which level of structure?
8. Human heart. Which level of structure?
9. The entire image = which level of structure
10. Which level of structure?
11. Which level of structure
12. Which level of structure
13. Each cell below does the same job ( stores starch ) these cells together form a _____________ ?
14. The entire object = which level of structure?
15. Each colored dot = which level of structure?
16. The smallest structure in the sequoia tree which can be alive is A. An atom B. A molecule C. A cell D. A tissue E. An organism
17. Each Bacteria Cell below is A. A single celled organism B. Part of a multicellular organism C. Too small to be alive D. Part of a tissue
18. All the bones in the rattlesnake skeleton below are a good example of A. A molecule B. An organism C. An organ D. An organ system
19. This is a picture of the smallest piece of heart which can be alive. Which level of structure is pictured?
20. Each black dot below is an actual photo of the smallest piece of carbon which can still be carbon. Each dot represents which level of structure?
21. List all levels of structure in order from smallest to largest