2014 MELEd Conference How Many Phonemes to Teach? A Comparative Analysis of Phonetic Symbols in Major Pronunciation Dictionaries and Textbooks Vladimir Pavlov University of Wisconsin-River Falls Elena Stetsenko University of Minnesota
Why are students confused?
Reason # 1: Dialects
William Labov, Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg. Atlas of North American English. content.com
Walt Wolfram. Integrating Language Variation into TESOL: Challenges from English Globalization. TESOL Webinar, October 13, 2011 There are two major shifts in the vowel systems of American English that are taking place. One is referred to as the Southern Vowel Shift… That is compared to the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, and this is sort of one of the stunning aspects of American English dialects today, the fact that Northern dialects are actually becoming less like Southern dialects. The reality is no, the Northern dialects are actually becoming more different…
William Labov, Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg. Atlas of North American English. content.com
Walt Wolfram. Integrating Language Variation into TESOL: Challenges from English Globalization. TESOL Webinar, October 13, 2011
William Labov, Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg. Atlas of North American English. content.com
Walt Wolfram. Integrating Language Variation into TESOL: Challenges from English Globalization. TESOL Webinar, October 13, 2011
There are two major shifts in the vowel systems of American English that are taking place. One is referred to as the Southern Vowel Shift… That is compared to the Northern Cities Vowel Shift, and this is sort of one of the stunning aspects of American English dialects today, the fact that Northern dialects are actually becoming less like Southern dialects. The Northern dialects are actually becoming more different…
Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 4th Edition, 2010 standard variety also standard dialect, standard language, standard the variety of a language which has the highest status in a community or nation and which is usually based on the speech and writing of educated native speakers of the language. A standard variety is generally: a used in the news media and in literature b described in dictionaries and grammars c taught in schools and taught to non-native speakers when they learn the language as a foreign language.
Reason # 2: Confusing numbers
Consonants: 19 Vowels: 26 Total: 45
Consonants: 29 Vowels: 21 Total: 50
Consonants: 25 Vowels: 21 Total: 46
Jack Windsor Lewis ELT Journal g/content/53/3/225.extract
Consonants: 24 Vowels: (16*) 17 Total: 41
Consonants: 25 Vowels: 21 Total: 46
Reason # 3: Qualitative differences
Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary Consonants: 29
Phoneme the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. 4 ed., 2010
Phoneme the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words Allophone any of the different variants of a phoneme. The different allophones of a phoneme are perceptibly different but similar to each other, do not change the meaning of a word, and occur in different phonetic environments that can be stated in terms of phonological rules. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. 4 ed., 2010
Consonants: 24 Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary
Teaching Pronunciation
/ y / = / j / Consonants: 24
Harley, H. (2006). English Words: A Linguistic Introduction. Malden: Blackwell.
Daniel Jones EPD Consonants: 24
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Consonants: 25
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Consonants: 25
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Consonants: 24
Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary Vowels: 21
Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary Vowels: 20
Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary Vowels: 15
Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary Vowels: 15
Teaching Pronunciation Vowels: 21
Teaching Pronunciation Vowels: 21
Teaching Pronunciation / y / = / j / Consonants: 24
International Phonetic Association
Teaching Pronunciation Vowels: 21
Teaching Pronunciation Vowels: 21 Not in M-W Learner’s!
Teaching Pronunciation Not in M-W Learner’s!
Vowels: 17 Teaching Pronunciation
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Vowels: 21
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Vowels: 21
Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Vowels: 16
Jones EPD Vowels: 17
Merriam-Webster Learner’s ɪɛ æ ʌʊ əi ɑ ueɪeɪ oʊoʊ aʊaʊ aɪaɪ oɪoɪɚ Teaching Pronunciation ɪɛ æ ʌʊ əi ɑɔ uweyowawayy ərər ɜrɜr Daniel Jones EPD ɪ eæ ʌʊ əi ɑɔ ueɪeɪ oʊoʊ aʊaʊ aɪaɪɔɪɚɝ Longman Pronunciation ɪ eæ ʌʊ əi ɑɔ ueɪeɪ oʊoʊ aʊaʊ aɪaɪɔɪɝ Vowels: 17 Longman: ə r = ɚ Merriam-Webster Learner’s: bird /b ɚ d/ / ɑ / and / ɔ / are used in cot and caught, lot and law
Consonants: 24 BilabialLabio-dentalDentalAlveolarPost-alveolarPalatalVelarGlottal Plosivep b t d k g Affricate t ʃ d ʒ Fricative f vθ ðs z ʃ ʒ h Nasalm n ŋ Lateral approximant l Approximantw rj
Vowels: 17
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