GCF & LCM - Monomials
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials GCF – greatest common factor 1st - find the largest integer that will divide all coefficients 2nd - use the smallest exponent of all SHARED variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables
GCF & LCM - Monomials LCM – least common multiple 1st - find the smallest shared multiple 2nd - use the largest exponents of all variables