Office of the State Chief Information Officer Customer Satisfaction Survey Enterprise Project Management Office Gaye Mays Kathy Bromead October 2009
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 2 EPMO Customer Satisfaction Survey Background First survey in June 2007 using Word document and – 37 responses. 2009 survey web-based – 71 responses. Added three benchmarks: project management tool support, quality assurance and advisory group. Asked agency input on tools such as digital signatures, team collaboration and project management toolkit. Asked agency input on their maturity of project and portfolio management. Survey will help guide EPMO and agency improvements in the next two years.
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 3 EPMO Customer Satisfaction Survey Highlights All benchmark areas show improvement over the 2007 survey. Greatest strength is the people: experienced, knowledgeable, willing to assist and help ensure successful projects. Feedback supports achievement of EPMO goals (on next page). Positive comments regarding EPMO website and newsletter. Agencies and the EPMO have improved and matured in their project management capabilities.
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 4 EPMO Customer Satisfaction Survey Achievement of EPMO Team Goals EPMO Team Goals for 08-09: Improve communication to our customers. Improve project management knowledge sharing. Coordinate training to improve and grow project manager skills. Implement two EPMO processes that provide value to agencies. Review tools and processes to help improve project quality and reduce project risk. Survey proves commitment by agencies to embrace EPMO goals and improve project management in the agency.
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 5 How well does the EPMO provide direction on moving successfully through the project approval process? 15.5% increase to very satisfied, moderate to very 79.5% versus 73%
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 6 Project Management Advisor Effectiveness EPMO and agencies working together make this possible
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 7 Project Management Advisor Effectiveness Greatest Gains Managing project scope Risk identification and mitigation Managing vendors Managing schedule Smallest Gains Failing project guidance Business case development Reporting project status Project cost Highest Ranking (5 pt. scale) Problem resolution assistance (4.14) Reporting project status (4.03) Risk identification and mitigation (3.84) No decrease in effectiveness in any category
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 8 EPMO Website Effectiveness 29.7% increase in effective rating, moderate to very 77.6% versus 67.6%
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 9 Project Management Advisory Group (PMAG) Effectiveness New benchmark in 2009 survey
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 10 PPM Tool Training & Support New benchmark in 2009 survey
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 11 EPMO Quality Assurance New benchmark in 2009 survey
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 12 EPMO and Agency Improvement Areas Agencies ranked the areas they would like to improve with help from the EPMO
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 13 EPMO and Agency Improvement Areas Top 3 areas to improve*: Business case development (smallest PMA effectiveness gain) Cost estimating IT and business partnership management Bottom 3 areas to improve: SQA testing Benefits realization (agencies rate themselves at 2.46) Web based lessons learned * Project Resource Management ranked 4 th but has had much discussion across agencies
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 14 Feedback on Future Project Management Tools PPM Toolkit concept appears to be of interest to the agencies. Digital signatures and collaboration spaces appear to require more education on benefits of this technology.
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 15 Agency Practices in Relation to Project and Portfolio Management Maturity This is an agency rating of their PPM practices
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 16 Survey Comments Customer Improvement Ideas Streamline processes Improve gate approval process Increase EPMO assistance at project initiation Help business people understand project management Improve understanding of project models like agile or SaaS Improve QA issue process Improve PPM tool performance and capabilities Continue to improve website, documentation, communication and collaboration
Office of the State Chief Information Officer 17 Next Steps EPMO develops tactical plan based on feedback from customer survey. Present survey results to key organizations: Project Management Advisory Group State CIO and Senior Deputy/Deputy CIO meeting