Chemical Interactions


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Presentation transcript:

Chemical Interactions

Substance A type of matter defined by a unique particle

Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space (Volume)

Atom The smallest particle of an element Proton and Neutron in the nucleus Electron outside of the nucleus in the electron cloud


Proton A subatomic particle that has a positive charge. Located in the nucleus of an atom Heaviest subatomic particle

Neutron A subatomic particle with no charge Located in the nucleus of an atom Nearly the same mass as a proton

Electron A subatomic particle with an negative charge Located outside of the nucleus in the Electron Cloud Lightest of all subatomic particles Almost no mass at all.

Element Key Au 79 196.97 Gold Element Name Atomic Number Atomic Symbol Atomic Mass 196.97

Atomic Mass Unit The mass of 1 atom is measured in Atomic Mass Units Abbreviated AMU 1 AMU is equal to the mass of 1 proton.

States of Matter

5 States of Matter Plasma Solid Gas Bose-Einstein Liquid

Characteristics of States of Matter Shape How they are arranged Volume Temperature How Atoms Move

Solid Definite Shape Definite Volume Atoms are close together Atoms Vibrate Low temperature

Liquid No Definite Shape Definite Volume Atoms are slightly apart Atoms Slide Past Each Other Medium Temperature

Gas No Definite Shape No Definite Volume Atoms are Far Apart Atoms Move very fast High Temperature