Pasewark & Pasewark Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course 1 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT ACCESS Lesson 4 – Finding and Ordering Data
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 2 Objectives Find data in a database. Query a database. Use filters. Sort a database. Index a database. Establish relationships in a database. Create a query from related tables.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 3 Terms Used in This Lesson And operator Ascending sort Descending sort Filter Indexing Multitable query One-to-many relationship Or operator Primary key Query Referential integrity Relationship Search criteria Subdatasheet
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 4 Using Find The Find command is the easiest way to located data in a database. Choose Find on the Edit menu or click the Find button on the toolbar. The Find and Replace dialog box will open. See Figure 4-1 in student book, Find and Replace dialog box
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 5 Creating a Query in Design View A query lets you combine criteria to perform complex searches and allows you to display selected fields. To create a query, open the database and click Queries on the Objects bar. Click New to create a new query. The New Query dialog box appears. Choose the Design View option. Choose the table and select the fields to be used in the query. Enter the search criteria. Save when finished.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 6 Using the Simple Query Wizard The Simple Query Wizard asks you questions and then creates a query based on your answers. Choose Queries on the Objects bar and then click New. In the New Query dialog box, choose Simple Query Wizard. Follow the screens to create the query.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 7 Using Filters A filter is similar to a query; however, it displays all fields and cannot be saved. To create a filter, a table must be open. Choose Filter on the Records menu and select one of the Filter types: – Filter by Form – Filter By Selection – Filter Excluding Selection – Advanced/Filter Sort
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 8 Sorting a Database To sort a table, open the table and place the insertion point in the field by which you want to sort. Click either the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending button. – Ascending Sort (arranges records from A to Z or smallest to largest) – Descending Sort (arranges records from Z to A or largest to smallest)
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 9 Index a Database Indexing is an important part of database management systems. Indexing allows records to be located quickly, especially in large databases. To index a field, go to Design view. Choose Yes for Indexed in the Field Properties section.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 10 Establishing Relationships Within a Database You can create queries, forms, and reports to display information from several tables at once. Create a relationship between tables that contain a common field. Common fields must have the same data type although they can have different field names. Enforce referential integrity between tables when creating a relationship to ensure a valid relationship and prevent invalid data from being entered. See Figure 4-18 in student book, One-to-many relationship
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 11 Creating a Multitable Query A multitable query displays the shared information from related tables at once. To create a new query, open the database, choose Queries on the Objects bar, and click the New button. In the New Query dialog box, choose the Design view option. Add the related tables to the query window. Choose the fields and enter the search criteria.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 12 Summary The Find command is the easiest way to locate data in the database. The Find command searches the database for specified information. Queries allow more complex searches. A query allows you to search records using multiple and complex criteria and allows you to display selected fields. A filter is similar to a query; however, it displays all fields and cannot be saved.
Access – Lesson 4 Microsoft Office XP: Introductory Course Pasewark & Pasewark 13 Summary Indexing is an important part of database management systems. Indexing allows records to be located quickly, especially in large databases. By defining relationships between the different tables within a database, you can create queries, forms, and reports to display information from several tables at once. Matching data in key fields sets up a relationship.