Cardiovascular System
Vocabulary: brady- 1. brady- 2. diastol- 2. diastol- 3. systol- 3. systol- 4. tachy- 4. tachy- 5. ventr- 5. ventr- 6. embol- 6. embol-
Functions/Parts 1. Exchange particles through blood flow 1. Exchange particles through blood flow –A. Nutrients and/or electrolytes –B. Gases –C. Waste Products
Functions/Parts 2. Pulmonary Circuit 2. Pulmonary Circuit
3. Systemic Circuit 3. Systemic Circuit
Pathway HAacvVHHAacvVHHAacvVHHAacvVH
Arteries and Arterioles A. Strong, elastic vessels made of: A. Strong, elastic vessels made of: –Endothelium –Smooth Muscle
B. Smooth muscle contraction B. Smooth muscle contraction –Stimulus to the muscle can make two things happen.
1. Vasoconstriction: 1. Vasoconstriction: Muscles Contract Muscles Contract Vessel Diameter decreases Vessel Diameter decreases
2. Vasodilation 2. Vasodilation Muscles Relax Muscles Relax Vessel Diameter increases Vessel Diameter increases
Capillaries Smallest diameter blood vessels, made up of simple squamos endothelium Smallest diameter blood vessels, made up of simple squamos endothelium
PulmonarySystemic Diffuses out ?? Diffuses into ??
PulmonarySystemic Diffuses out CO 2 O 2 Nutrients Diffuses into O2O2O2O2 CO 2, Waste Pro.
Veins and Venules Return blood from capillaries to the atria (heart) Return blood from capillaries to the atria (heart)
Veins and Venules A. Thinner walls with less developed muscle A. Thinner walls with less developed muscle
Veins and Venules B. VALVES B. VALVES –One-way –Prevent back flow