PENINSULA HEALTH FALLS PREVENTION SERVICE Vicki Davies Falls Clinic Coalition 29 th July 2005
Components of the Falls Prevention Service Inpatient Falls Prevention Program Falls Specialist Service Primary Care Partnership Falls Prevention Pathways and Skill Development Project
Inpatient Falls Prevention Program Rehabilitation, Aged and Palliative Care Subacute Units ( 7 ) Residential Units ( 5 ) Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in the Home
Inpatient Falls Prevention Program Portfolio model “Train the Trainer” Assessment within 24 hours using Falls Risk Assessment Tool ( FRAT ) Multi-disciplinary management strategies Weekly Falls team meetings Follow up falls question post discharge
Falls Specialist Service Referrals received via ACCESS Service – single point of entry Referrals triaged by Falls Care Co- ordinator ( Physiotherapist ) All initial assessments are home based using generic SAFE tool ( Screening Assessment for Falls Evaluation )
Falls Specialist Service Approximately 365 referrals per year 15% from Southern Peninsula Approximately 50% referred by GP’s Following initial assessment approximately 33% referred to outpatient Falls Clinic for multi- disciplinary assessment
PCP Pathways Project 3 year DHS funded Falls Prevention Project Peninsula Health Falls Prevention Service is lead agency PCP Advisory Committee meets bi- monthly and includes local councils, community health and Division of GP’s
PCP Pathways Project Projects Include: Residential facilitator training Peer educator training Improved management as older “fallers” move between settings Increased participation in strength and balance programs Awareness raising
What’s New in Inpatient? Development and distribution of Falls Resource Manual to all subacute and residential settings Introduction of Agestrong programs to Inpatient and Residential Units Introduction of trial hip protector project on E&M Units
What’s New in Falls Specialist Service? Home based medical assessments for frail clients and those without transport. Joint initiative of Falls Specialist Service and Dept of Aged Care Medicine to reduce Falls Clinic waiting list Research grant to validate the SAFE tool for use with novice clinicians
What’s new in PCP Pathways Project? Commencement of “Stronger for Longer” strengthening groups by Mornington Peninsula Shire. Transport supplied for HACC eligible clients Falls assessments conducted in residential settings by the ROSS Team Distribution of 570 falls prevention booklets to 35 GP clinics