Management of Coastal Aquifers The Case of a Peninsula State of Qatar 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting Naples, June 2008 Dr. Kamel M. Amer Mr. Abdul A. Aziz Al Muraikhi Dept. of Agri. & Water Research Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture State of Qatar Nauman Rashid Schlumberger Water Services Middle East & Asia
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar The State of Qatar
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Growth! Today
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Annual Rainfall Annual Mean Rainfall = 80.3 mm/yr
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar The Load on Groundwater ConsumptionCost* * Illustrative only
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar A Changing Picture
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Salt Water Intrusion Impact on Agriculture
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Comparison of Freshwater Lens
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar No. of Wells and Abstraction Volumes
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar A Groundwater Project Study 1 Well Inventory & Groundwater Abstraction/Recharge/ Quality/Quantity Survey Study 2Establishment of an Online Groundwater GIS Study 3 Build up a surface rainfall - runoff model to study the relation between rainfall, runoff and recharge Study 4 A Pilot Study in 3 Depressions with Optimized Design of Recharge Wells & Surface Drainage Study 5 Supply, Install, Calibrate and Implement a 3-D Groundwater Model to Study Groundwater Study 6Design, Drilling and Testing of a New Groundwater Monitoring Wells Network
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar An Online GIS Data Mgmt System Water Quality Software Pump Test Software Online GIS
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Recharge and Observation Wells
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Doing Some Good
Management of Coastal Aquifers - The Case of a Peninsula - State of Qatar Mitigating Effects on Urban Development
Management of Coastal Aquifers The Case of a Peninsula State of Qatar 20th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting Naples, June 2008 Dr. Kamel M. Amer Mr. Abdul A. Aziz Al Muraikhi Dept. of Agri. & Water Research Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture State of Qatar Nauman Rashid Schlumberger Water Services Middle East & Asia