Physical Features Social Studies Online Grade 3 Social Studies Online Grade 3
Blueprint Skill Recognize the identifying characteristics of certain geographic features (i.e., peninsula, islands, continents, mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans, and forests).
Geography What is geography?
Geography Geography is the study of the earth and how people use it.
What Are the Different kinds of Physical Features? Mountain range Plain Mountain range Plain
What Are the Different kinds of Physical Features? Desert River Desert River
What Are the Different kinds of Physical Features? Lake Oceans Lake Oceans
What Are the Different kinds of Physical Features? Coast Island Coast Island
What Are the Different kinds of Physical Features? Peninsula
Mountain Range Land above the land around it
Mountain Ranges Appalachians Rocky Sierra Nevada Appalachians Rocky Sierra Nevada
Plain Flat land
Desert Land with not much rain and few plants
River A long body of moving water.
Lake Water with land surrounding it. Water with land surrounding it.
Oceans The world’s largest bodies of water. Oceans are made Of saltwater. The world’s largest bodies of water. Oceans are made Of saltwater.
Oceans Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Artic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Artic Ocean
Coast The land that borders the ocean is a coast. The United States borders several oceans. The land that borders the ocean is a coast. The United States borders several oceans.
Island An island is land with water surrounding it.
Peninsula Land with water almost surrounding it.