India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Some places have high mountains and hills, while others have flat lands.
India has mountains, hills, plains, plateaus and desert
The Himalaya All along the north are the Great Himalaya mountain ranges. The Himalaya is the highest mountain range in the world. There are many peaks in these mountains and most of them remain covered with snow almost throughout the year. Many rivers start from the mountains.
The Southern Ranges The central and southern parts of India too have mountain ranges. The Vindhya and Satpura ranges are in central India, and the Nilgiri Hills are in the south.
The Indian Plains Many parts of India have flat and level land. These are the plains. To the south of the Himalaya, lie the great plains of India. Many rivers such as the Ganga and Yamuna flow through the plains. These rivers have made the land green and fertile.
Rivers and plains
The Southern Plains There are narrow strips of plain land along the eastern and the western coasts. These plains meet at Kanniyakumari. Many rivers such as Narmada, Godavari and Kaveri flow through these plains and fall into the sea.
Deccan Plateau The southern part of India looks like a cone in shape. It has a flat and uneven surface, though it is higher than the surrounding plains.This type of land is called a Plateau. The Southern Plateau covers the largest part of our country. The area is surrounded by hill ranges on all three sides. The Southern Plateau is also called the Deccan Plateau.
INDIAN DESERT A large area of land covered with sand is called a desert. In the north-western part of India is the Indian Desert or the Thar Desert. It covers parts of Rajasthan. This area is mostly hot and dry and there is very little rain. Very few plants and trees grow in such places. The camel is the most important animal in the desert. It can live without water for many days.
Indian Peninsula The southern part of India is surrounded by large water bodies on three sides and this type of land is called a Peninsula. The Indian Peninsula has the Arabian sea in the west, the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Indian Ocean towards the south.
Islands There are two groups of Islands in these water bodies. An island is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides. The group in Bay of Bengal is called Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The group is in the Arabian Sea is called the Lakshadweep.
The Ganges Delta The Ganges Delta (also Sunderban Delta or the Bengal Delta) is a river delta in the South Asia region, consisting of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal, India. It is the world's largest delta, and empties into the Bay of Bengal. It is also one of the most fertile regions in the world, thus earning the nickname The Green Delta.