Date of presentation 2 PROJECT IDEA Project name : COMPLEX ECOLOGICAL-GEOCHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF LANDSCAPES IN BAKU CITY Proposal outline: Baku city is located in the territory of oil-gas fields and is characterized by the natural lithochemical terms. High concentrations of toxic chemical elements form very high level of the city landscape contamination here. Recovery and refining of oil and gas make strong technogenic impact and complicate the ecological state. Interference of different types of production in the contaminated areas results in the formation in soils and in the air, in the vegetable cover, in the surficial and ground water, of polyelement technogenic geochemical anomalies. Ecological-geochemical assessment of Baku city and its vicinities is of great practical importance. For this reason, it is necessary to solve the following problems: -to determine zones of dissemination of the contaminant anomalies in particular, heavy metals, with account of their migration properties; -assessment of the contamination extent in anomalies, zoning of the city in compliance with this criteria; -development of exemplary solutions of problems of the environmental protection (separation contaminated areas), comprehensive assessment of the contaminating sources, geochemical spectra and the most intensive contaminating areas from the point of view of their address data; -preparation of toxicological characteristics of landscapes of different types and zones in the urban landscapes according to a special classification; -taking standard recultivation measures (creation artificial geochemical barriers, planting of certain types of vegetation etc.); -economical assessment of a damage caused by every factory; -monitoring of the state of the urban environment with account of conception of the differentiation of the urban environment in the landscape- ecological respect; -determination of directions of migration and sites of the accumulation of the contaminating matters. Project objectives: (outcomes, socio-economical impacts) Geoenvironmental analysis, assessment of natural and man-made anomalies as indicators of environmental pressure. Identification of spatial patterns of distribution of sources of pollution, the definition of harmful interference, and their size and areas of influence on the population and assessment of these effects. Optimization of geo-ecological conditions and the achievement of social and economic importance. Vilnius, 6-8 November, 2013
Date of presentation 3WANTED Competences & Skills wanted (Technical, Design, Coordination, Writing, etc) Absheron peninsula with a highly diversified industry (including oil), irrigated agriculture, specific adverse natural conditions affecting the geochemical pattern of the region, and the interest in the study of microelements to the geoenvironmental assessment of the situation. You have performed a study on the number of heavy metals in rocks, soils, plants, sediments, waters, natural evolutionary series (geochemical background levels) and technologically - impaired. Types of partners sought (Industry, SME, RTD center, University, User-groups, etc) The Department of Geology of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources Conservation Work to be performed (Prototyping, Programming, System Integration, Dissemination, Engineering, etc) The obtained theoretical and practical suggestions can be applied to the areas of oil and gas industries, system integration, etc.
Date of presentation 4 SKILLS OF THE PROPOSER Please describe your own skills, competences and expertise relevant to the project idea In the Absheron peninsula professor S.A.Isayev on the base of analysis of materials on regional litho- and biogeochemical spe cializations, determined natural geochemical background, ecological-geochemical peculiarities, technogenic contaminations, technogenic geochemical and biogeochemical anomalies and associations of chemical elements with high concentrations. Results of the analysis have been analysed from the point of view of assessment of the environmental components, its state, response of ecosystems to certain impacts and optimization of ecological state. There have been determined ecological functions of geological environment and hydrosphere of the peninsula, not favourable processes and objects from ecological point of view, anthropogenic factors, changing the geosphere and making impact on the biosphere as well as geoecological aspects of activity of natural-technogenic systems (production, transport, agriculture, exploration of economic minerals, town- building). There have been studied interrelations of technogenesis, sedimentogesis and early diagenesis in the shelf of the Absheron pe ninsula; distribution of heavy metals in the bottom sediments in time and space with account of the impact of some facial- geochemical parameters as well as hydrodynamical, geomorphological and geological-structural terms of shallow waters. There have been also determined some natural-technogenic abnormal zones and geochemical barriers promoting regulation of ecological-geochemical environment.
Date of presentation 5CONTACTS Name: Sokrat Isayev Institution/Organisation: The Baku State University, Faculty of Geology ZIP & City: Az 1148 Baku Country: Azerbaijan Phone number: direct with international code