The Suez Crisis and the Six-Day War IAFS/JWST 3650
Announcements Jewish Studies Mix-and-Mingle: April 10 at 6PM at Illegal Pete's (CU students and graduate students only) RSVP to
Announcements See revised syllabus (in ) for reading assignments Thursday: come prepared to discuss Dayan reading Chester office hours this week: Fri 2-3 Thu, April 11: In-class paper workshop
Paper Workshop draft to group by Tues 5pm
Outline Post-independence Israeli security concerns Palestinian refugees 1956 Suez Crisis 1950s-1960s Palestinian politics 1967 War/Six-Day War
Israeli Security Concerns Fear of “encirclement” Egyptian restrictions on shipping in Suez Canal, Straits of Tiran
Israeli Security Concerns Activist stance (PM David Ben-Gurion): establish that Israel could not be defeated Moderate stance (FM Moshe Sharett): force one of several options Ben-Gurion Sharett
Palestinian Refugees Arab insistence on “right of return” Israeli passage of “law of return,” increasing Jewish population Arabs in Israel (~170,000 in 1950) subject to land confiscation and banishment
Palestinian Refugees Many Arab refugees outside Israel remained in refugee camps long-term Lebanese, Syria, Egyptian refusal to grant citizenship (vs Jordan) Concerns about resettlement
Suez Crisis 1955: Egyptian leader Col. Gamal Abdul Nasser accepts Soviet military aid British fears of shift in Middle East power dynamics July 1956: Nasser’s nationalization of Suez canal
Suez Crisis British threats re canal Late Oct/early Nov 1956: Disastrous military operation to regain canal carried out by Britain, France, and Israel
Suez Crisis Israeli goals: Sinai and Sharm al- Sheikh US reaction: economic measures to force British withdrawal
Suez Crisis Repercussions Egypt: Nasser remained in power, retained canal Britain: no longer a world power Britain: no longer a world power Israel: military victory, UN warning re interference with Straits of Tiran
Palestinian Politics 1964: Arab League est. Palestinian Liberation Organization (led by Ahmad Shukeiri) Haj Amin: PLO “colonialist, Zionist conspiracy” Syrian desire for more militant action Shukeiri Haj Amin in 1948
Fatah Established 1958 Gaza-based Military action, before Israel gained upper hand via nukes, as necessary precursor for political action
The 1967 War/Six-Day War Early 1967: increase in Fatah attacks on Israel 7 Apr: Syria-Israel clash in Golan Heights 21 May: Egyptian closure of Straits of Tiran
The 1967 War/Six-Day War Defense Minister Moshe Dayan push for military response 5 Jun: Israeli airstrikes destroy Egyptian air force Dayan
The 1967 War/Six-Day War Israeli occupation of Jerusalem’s Old City, West Bank, Sinai Peninsula up to canal, Golan Heights Additional 100,000 Palestinian refugees to Jordan
Significance Continuing negotiations and conflict over 1967 lines Arab governments primarily interested in Palestinians as means to demonstrate anti- Israeli militancy Palestinian militants increasingly independent of Arab states
Significance Clear Israeli military superiority Israeli feeling of having broken “encirclement”