Saltfleet EnvironmentDemographicsMapping Explore_ World IssuesLandscapesSustainability
Grade 9 Course CGC1D/P – Geography of Canada CGC1D/P – Geography of Canada SkillsSkills Natural SystemsNatural Systems Human SystemsHuman Systems Humans in the EnvironmentHumans in the Environment Global ConnectionsGlobal Connections Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Development
Resources GIS (ArcView) GIS (ArcView) Worksheets Worksheets Presentations Presentations Textbooks Textbooks Videos Videos Field Trips Field Trips
Focus On: GIS Natural Systems Natural Systems Human Systems Human Systems Humans in the Environment Humans in the Environment Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
Explore: Field Trip Niagara Peninsula Niagara Peninsula Secondary Steel Industry Secondary Steel Industry Niagara Fruitbelt Niagara Fruitbelt Welland Canal Welland Canal
Technology ArcView Mapping System ArcView Mapping System GPS (Global Positioning System) GPS (Global Positioning System) HWDSB First Class System HWDSB First Class System Powerpoint Presentations Powerpoint Presentations
Fun with Geography GIS day GIS day Earth day Earth day Geo Challenge Geo Challenge Geopardy Geopardy Field Trips Field Trips
Options: Grade 10 to 12 CGG30 Travel and Tourism CGF3M Physical Geography CGT3E Geographer’s Tool Kit
Options: Grade 11 or 12 CGU 4U Human Geography CGR4M Environmental Science CGW4U World Issues
Geography Careers Geologist Geologist GIS Mapping/Geomatics GIS Mapping/Geomatics Urban Planner/Community Development Urban Planner/Community Development Cartographer Cartographer GIS Specialist GIS Specialist Climatologist Climatologist Transportation Management Transportation Management Environmental Management Environmental Management Writer/Researcher Writer/Researcher Teaching/Faculty Teaching/Faculty Emergency Management Emergency Management Demographer Demographer Marketing Marketing Librarian/Information Scientist Librarian/Information Scientist National Park Service Ranger National Park Service Ranger Real Estate Appraisal Real Estate Appraisal
Brought to you by… Mr. Pratt, Department Head Mr. Pratt, Department Head Mr. O’Connor Mr. O’Connor Mr. Kuepfer Mr. Kuepfer Ms. Page Ms. Page