Wales..., Wales is one of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Wales is located on the Irish Sea, in the South-western part of the island, United Kingdom. The capital is the city of Cardiff. The area of Wales is km. Inhabited almost 3 million people.
Coat of arms of Wales adopted in May 2008 in the dial in the, Golden and red, four Lions looking alternating colours, weapons and languages. Flag of Wales was incorporated in The flag is divided across two bars: green (below) and white (at the top). On the background there is a red dragon.
Wales is a country ideal for holiday trip. A lot of interesting and historic cities of Welsh, offer not only great hotels, but above all, numerous monuments, including the magnificent medieval castles. It is good to go to Wales on March 1, when it is memory. David, the patron saint.
There are many possibilities for leisure time. The tourists very often go to the rock to climb in the mountains and to walk in the woods or to admire the charm of the coast. In addition to wonderful scenery, Wales has a rich culture and amazing sights.
Interesting sites include: The highest mountain in Wales-Snowdon The bridge on the River Dee in Llangollen Beaches Llyn Peninsula and Llandudno Fortress of Caernarfon 1500-year-old yews in the Church in Overton-on-Dee
Cawl is a traditional Welsh dish eaten. on the day of Saint David. It is a kind of stew with Welsh lamb and vegetables. This is a national symbol of Wales.The tastiest is the next day after preparation.
Thanks for your attention Roksana Raubic.