The Russian Federation Denisenko T. 10 “B”
… To the Fish - water, To bird - air, To animal - a wood, steppe, mountains. And the native Land is necessary for the person. M.M.Prishvin
RUSSIA The population: Capital: Moscow Currency: rouble Official language: Russian The main religions: christianity of 75 %, an islam, the Buddhism Export: petroleum, mineral oil, wood and products from a tree, metals, the industrial goods.
RUSSIA - the BIGGEST COUNTRY In the WORLD It borrows two thirds of Asia and third of Europe and so it is extended from the west to the east, that in its territory eleven time zones find room. When inhabitants of Saint Petersburg prepare to go to bed, miners and shepherds northern олений, living far in the east, already begin a working day new. On the most part of territory of Russia a climate cold with soft, but in the cool summer and frosty winters. In the far north where the most part of the ground is borrowed (occupied) with tundra, winter temperatures fall up to-90 F (-70æ.) To the south from tundra almost through all country the wide belt (zone) of coniferous woods lasts. Ural mountains divide Russia into two regions. To the west from Ural the European part of Russia concluding only a quarter of all territory but where lives the four fifth population of the country, is developed (unwrapped) the large-scale industry and the most fertile grounds lay. To the east from Ural Asia, Siberia, extensive wild edge (territory) which on the area is more than USA and the Western Europe, taken together was stretched. In a southern part of this region, near to Mongolia, the deepest is located in the world lake Baikal in which contains the one fifth fresh water of a planet. Siberia is rich minerals, in particular coal and petroleum. Chukotski peninsula in Eastern Siberia is considered the most east point of Asia that is only in 50 miles (82 kms) from Northern America. Till 1991 Russia was a part of larger country of Soviet Union which included 14 modern countries of the East Europe and the central part of Eurasia.
GEOGRAPHY and NATURE The state Russia is located in east part of Europe and northern part of Asia. In the West Russia East European plain, further a range - Ural behind which West Siberian plain reaches lays. Russia borders on Chinese People's Republic, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Byelorussia, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Norway.
CLIMATE The most part of territory of Russia lays in a moderate climatic belt(zone); islands of Arctic ocean and northern continental areas lay in the Arctic and subtropical belts(zones); the Black Sea coast of Caucasus is located in a subtropical belt(zone). A climate almost everywhere continental, with cold winter at a long snow cover and in the hot summer. The coldest place of northern hemisphere (with the minimal temperature-68С) - city of Oimyakon in Eastern Siberia. In the south of the Far East a climate moderately - monsoonal with average temperatures of January from 0 up to-5С. The greatest quantity(amount) of deposits drops out in mountains of Caucasus and Altai (up to 2000 mm per one year), the most droughty area - Prikaspijskaja lowland (about 150 mm of deposits per one year).
NATURAL DANGERS Strong frosts - the temperature in the winter in continental areas of Siberia can reach -70С. The dangers connected to rest in mountains. Volcanic activity and possible earthquakes on Kuriles and Kamchatka. In woods - bogs, a bog, are found bears and wolves. On the Far East - tigers and leopards.
LARGE LAKES Caspian sea. Baikal. Ladoga Onega. Khanka. Tubs. White. Ilmen. Imandra. Topozero.
the LARGE RIVERS Ob (with Irtysh) Amur (with Argun) Lena Yenisei Volga Ural Kolyma Don Indigirka Pechora Yana Selenga Mezen Kuban Terek Onega Neva
one of the most popular symbol of Russia
NESTED DOLL These traditional wooden dolls are arranged so, that one enters into another. Sometimes the set of nested dolls makes more dozen of dolls.