Russia is My Motherland NSTU S-52 Shumko Danil 2006
Your flag? Colours symbolize: white means peace, perfection, blue means fidelity, trust, red means blood, power.
A symbol of my country A symbol of my country is a two- headed eagle.
I am here The red dot is Novosibirsk
Our climate The average year temperature in different cities is different. I`ll tell about weather in my city. The average year temperature is about zero( in summer and in winter).
Moscow. Population. The capital of Russia is Moscow. The population in Russia is about 145million people. There is a Kremlin on a photo.
Greetings in your language Good morning = Dobroe utro Good afternoon = Dobriy den` Good night = Spokoinoi nochi How are you? = Kak dela? Good bye = Do svidaniya Good luck = Ydachi
Favorite landscape. I was born at the peninsula Kamchatka in the Far East, therefore my favorite landscapes are volcanos and the Pacific ocean. It is a Viluchinskii volcano at the photo.
Famous poets of my country There are many poets in Russia but I don`t like to read!
A products of my country My country exports forest, metal, caviar, fish, gas, oil and military machines and equipment (tanks, helicopters, weapons)
A recipe from my country
My favorite proverb A work is not a wolf, so it would not run to the forest.
A famous person The famous person of my country is our president – Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Russia is My Motherland NSTU S-52 Shumko Danil 2006