Happy Game Physical Features Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy.


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Presentation transcript:

Happy Game Physical Features Happy is very hungry. Pick the right lunch box to keep Happy healthy.

What is geography geography? *The study of the earth* The study of hills and mountains*

Bad Answer 1 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 1 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

What is a mountain range? *land with water around it* *land above the land around it*

Bad Answer 2 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 2 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

What is a peninsula? * land with water surrounding it. * land with water almost surrounding it *

Bad Answer 3 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 3 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Which physical feature has land surrounding it? *lake**island*

Bad Answer 4 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 4 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Which is larger? *Mississippi river* *Pacific Ocean*

Bad Answer 5 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 5 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Land with not much rain and few plants is a/an *desert**plain*

Bad Answer 6 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 6 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Flat land is called a plain. *False**True*

Bad Answer 7 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 7 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

what do you call land that borders the ocean? *island*island *Coast*

Bad Answer 8 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 8 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Sierra Nevada is a name given to what? *a kind of desert* *a kind of mountain*

Bad Answer 9 Next Question Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 9 Next Question Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

Rivers are the largest bodies of water. *False**True*

Bad Answer 10 End Game Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food. Yuck! Happy is unhappy and sick. You picked the wrong lunch box with moldy food.

Good Answer 10 End Game Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food. Yeah! Happy is very happy and healthy. You picked the right lunch box with good food.

The End Physical Features