The Shaft Grave Period and the Rise of the Mycenaeans
BA Chronology CreteMinoan (Minos - mythical king) CycladesCycladic (Aegean island chain) Mainland Helladic (Hellas = Greece) EarlyEBAEMECEH( ) Middle MBAMMMCMH( ) LateLBALMLCLH( )
MH Burial Types Pithos (jar) burial Built Grave or Warrior Grave (Kollonna, Aegina; Thebes) Pit Burial Cist Grave Intramural or Extramural
Cist Grave Most Common MH Burial Practice Single Burials Fetal Position Return to mother earth? No, smaller hole!
Mycenae Grave Circle A “Mycenae Rich in Gold” Schliemann
Shaft Grave: Grave Circle A
Shaft Grave Ware: Mainland Polychrome
Shaft Grave Structure enlarged cist grave entered from above through a shaft several feet deep dug from the contemporary ground surface
Inside the Shaft Grave Extended body Multiple burials over time possible Older Remains pushed to side
Marking the Grave Slabs, waterproof clay cover Shaft filled Rectangular border of stones may mark spot Stele (1st large-scale relief sculptures on Greek Mainland)
Shaft Grave Sites Mycenae (Intact) Lerna (robbed out) Ayios Stephanos, Lakonia (bare bones) Argos
Lavish Grave Goods Rhyton, Rhyta
The Dead Bigger, sturdier than earlier MH corpses or contemporary burials in other sorts of graves Why bigger?
Big Eaters or Big Invaders? Better nutrition for elite group? Different racial group?
Who are they?
Mycenae: Grave Circles A & B
Grave Circle B Earlier than Grave Circle A John Papademetriou & Greek Archaeological Society 14 Shaft Graves out of 24 tombs
Grave Circle Origins MH Tumulus at Vrana Plural Tumuli
The Shaft Graves and Myth 2 Heroic Periods a) Late MH to LHI-II Shaft Grave period & later b) LHIII Danaos & the Shaft Grave Period Trojan War & LHIII
The Danaids Danaos & daughters flee Egypt, but sons of Aegyptos follow Danaids marry, then kill sons of Aegyptos Mercy of Hypermestra Purified by gods “Widows” have difficulty attracting new husbands No dowry, daughters as sports prizes! Danaans (Greeks), children of Danaids
Danaids Historical? Danaids = Hyksos? heka khasewet "rulers of foreign lands") Semitic, Hurrian, Indo-Aryan people? Migrants/Invaders?
Theories from Archaeological Evidence?
Shaft Grave Dead as Cretan Conquerors? Minoan style artifacts Un-Minoan style burials
Nomadic Tribe of Central or Northern Europe? Chariots Grave steles New Art Style “Aegeanized” by more advanced local culture BUT no chariots in N or C Europe. Only in Near East, a MORE sophisticated culture
Locals looted Crete? Lots of Minoan style treasures BUT wealth gradually accumulated No evidence of destruction on Crete Minoan naval strength
Mercenaries Rewarded by Egypt against Hyksos? But Hyksos BETWEEN Mycenae and Egyptian Thebes
Mycenaean Control of Trade Route for Valuable Commodity? Tin (for bronze)? Disruption of Near Eastern trade for tin by Hyksos, Hittites, Hurrians, et al. Evidence for Mycenaean trade with Northern Europe (pottery, amber)
Gold (& Amber) from Transylvania (Romania) Mycenaeans: lavish use of gold Minoans: economical use Gold traded for Early Mycenaean daggers
Identity, Origins & Source of Wealth Still Matters of Debate
Readings for Next Class: Iliad 9, Rutter 20 (Mycenaean Residential Architecture)