DPG Main Meeting 3 November 2009 POVERTY MONITORING GROUP
PlusesMinuses Relatively high growthSlow poverty reduction A fall in UnemploymentPrimarily in small informal business with low earnings and productivity. High underemployment Improved net secondary school enrolment, attendance and literacy (64% in 2001 to 66 % in 2007) Slight drop in net primary enrolment since Risk of many youth being left behind Continued drop in IMR & under-5 mortalityDrop in coverage of DPT-Hb3 (93% in 2004 to 83% in 2007), Improvement in life expectancy (53 (m )& 56 (w)) High maternal mortality (births taking place at home remain high) Improved food self-sufficiency. Drop in malnutrition High prevalence of stunting Drop in HIV prevalenceDownward trend in access to clean and safe water
Poverty Line AchievementsTargets 2000/ MKUKUTA (2010) MDG (2015) Basic Needs PovertyMainland Rural Urban Food Poverty
Little change in consumption levels since 2001 Extremely low consumption levels 98% of Tanzanians consume less than Tsh 30,000 (2001 prices) and Tsh 58,000 in 2007 prices 80% consume less than Tsh 20,000 (38,600 in 2007 prices)
Wealth Quintile 2000/012007% change Poorest Quintile 3,9783,895 -2% 2 nd 6,5516,660 2% 3 rd 9,1639,490 4% 4 th 12,97213,635 5% Least Poor Quintile 26,05627,836 7% Tanzania Mainland 9,99710,470 5%
Caloric intake increased marginally since 2001 25% of the population do not consume enough to carryout even light work 50% do not consume enough to carryout heavy work
Stunting (height-for- age below - 2SD) Underweight (weight-for- age below - 2SD) Wasting (weight-for- height below - 2SD) 1999 Mainland44.00%29.50%5.30% Urban Rural /5 Mainland 38.00%21.90%2.90% Urban Rural
Not a famine prone country. Food production can meet the demand (SSR=104%) But several regions are food insecure: Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Lindi, Manyara, Mara, Mtwara, Shinyanga, Singida and Tabora (Rapid vulnerability survey (2008) In total 20 districts have been identified as having food shortages in 2007/08, the lowest number since 2002/03
Key issuesUnderlying factors Heavy reliance on agriculture for livelihood 75% of the population depends on agriculture. An increasing number of people has to share a smaller pie Agriculture growth 4.4% during , while population growth over 3% in rural areas Low productivity (and low income earning potential) 95% of food is grown under traditional rain –fed agriculture. Informal agricultural sector has growth from 37% of GDP to 40% since 1998 Over reliance on primary agriculture (limited or no value addition) Low fertility soils, minimal use of productive farm inputs, pre- and post harvest crop losses Weak rural infrastructure (irrigation, roads, electricity, marketing) Barriers for private investments (business licensing, registration, import/export procedures ) Lack of opportunities elsewhereLack of education and skills prevents rural people from moving out agriculture to other lucrative sectors Limited space for non-farm activities (knowledge, credit, marketing), specially for the poorest
Income from non-farm self-employment Quintile2000/ % hhmean% hhmean% change Poorest , , nd , , rd , , th , , Least Poor , , Dar es Salaam , , Other urban , , Rural , , Tanzania Mainland , ,
Quality of education and lack of skilled workers are becoming constraints High pupil/teacher ratios (54:1) Negative perception (school is useless/uninteresting, Dar 24%) Falling cohort completion rate (78% in 2006 to 62.5% in 2008) One in five pupils not attending school at any given time Falling transition rate from Standard VII to Form 1 (67.5 % in 2006 to 51.6% in 2008) Only a quarter of candidates pass basic mathematics at the Form 4 exam Drop (26%) in the number of grads in technical and vocational education and training (BEST 2009)
IssueRequired Policy Actions Low agricultural productivity Provision of rural infrastructure (irrigation, rural roads, electricity, communications, and marketing facilities) Provision of farm inputs (fertilizer, credit, seeds) Address crop losses (storage, transport, packaging) Promote the use of modern technology Heavy reliance on agriculture Promote non-farm activities/value addition Facilitate migration out of agriculture to other sectors through education, skills development and urban planning
IssueRequired Policy Actions Lack of private investmentProvide an enabling business environment: Remove barriers to private investment (simplifying business licensing, registration, import/export procedures) Remove controls on ownership rights (land), NTBs such as customs and admin procedures etc High population growthInterventions to reduce fertility rate, education, empowerment of women and effectively implementing the National Population Policy KILIMO KWANZA is a step forward in addressing most of the above issues, if properly designed and implemented. BUT not a panacea for all ills in the agricultural sector and the economy. A holistic development approach is required for reducing poverty on a sustainable basis.