OUR VISION BCIT: Integral to the economic, social and environmental prosperity of British Columbia BCIT
About BCIT Has a provincial mandate 50,000 students in over 400 programs Combination of technology, trades, certificates, diplomas, bachelor and master degrees 5 campus’ in the Lower Mainland Highschool Partnership programs
About BCIT 6 Academic Schools Business Computing & Academic Studies Construction & the Environment Energy Health Transportation International Programs in China, Korea and Brazil
Our Education Products Full-time Programs Part-time Studies Distance Education/Online Programs Partnership Programs Contract Training
Our Provincial Mandate Our Vision Provide provincial leadership in trades Partner with other institutions to deliver training Partner with industry to help meet human resources needs
Specific Strategic Actions PARTNERSHIPS with 1.BC LNG Regional Training Partnership Consortium 2.LNG developers help meet the HR needs 3.LNG suppliers & contractors to ensure necessary skilled labour 4.Government/ITA new pathways from post-secondary to industry 5.Organized labour for their training needs 6.First Nations to help meet their training needs 7.K–12 School Districts Partnerships
Specific Strategic Initiatives INITIATIVES 1.Marketing and Awareness K–12 pathways, trades careers 2.Assessment Centre of Excellence skills assessment 3.On-line Centre of Excellence expanding the online delivery 4.Improve apprenticeship completion rates 5.New program development (LNG Operator)