Demographics of the Chinese Language in the U.S STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Jessica Hung, Guannan Wang, Jeanie White, Wei Yin, Wei Zhang and Yue Zheng
1. Chinese and its regional dialects 2. Where do Chinese speakers in the U.S. come from 3. Number of speakers of Chinese in the U.S 4. How has the number of speakers changed over the years? 5. Where in the U.S. do they live?
Mandarin? Chinese ?
Qinshi Huang ( 秦始皇 ) -221bc to 210 bc The first emperor of China
Cantonese- one of the most spoken dialects of Chinese Mandarin- Official language - The language that most schools in China teach
Where is Mandarin Chinese spoken? China Taiwan Singapore and Southeast Asia around the world
Where do Chinese speakers in the U.S. come from? Guangdong and Fujian Other parts in Mainland China Taiwan, HongKong, Macau Some countries in the Southeast Asia like Singapore
Where Do Chinese HL Come From? Guangzhou/CantonTaiwanMainland of China HongKong, Singapore The 1 st wave : The 2 nd wave: 1950-present The 3 rd wave: 1980 to present Time to time 0.08 % of US population By % of US population by &% of US population by 2012
for the California Gold Rush and railroads constructing
C OMPARISON OF C HINESE S PEAKERS IN 1980 AND 2011 From (Language spoken at home by ability to speak English for the population 5 years and over 1 year estimate)
How many speakers of Chinese are there in the U.S.? Chinese 2,455,583 Cantonese437,301 Mandarin381,121 Formosan76,131 Fuchow2,671 Wu 2,477 Kan, Hsiang291 Detailed Languages Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English for the Population 5 Years and Over for the United States:
Where in the U.S. do they reside? Nine states with the most Chinese speakers StatesNumber of Speakers CA926,918 NY454,479 TX114,309 NJ100,441 MA89,914 IL76,514 WA68,083 PA59,127 MG54,869 In 2010, half of Chinese-born people living in the United States lived either in California or New York State.
StatesNumber of Speakers WV1,576 AK1,028 ND988 MT919 SD801 VT798 PR664 WY578 Nine states with the least Chinese speakers in the U.S.
New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Houston, Seattle, Chicago… Multiple Chinatowns, an older one and a newer one (populated by immigrants from the past three decades) Have varied educational experiences and socioeconomic status What cities do they live in?