Tsunami Disaster Uttam C. Sharma 2004
Three causes of Tsunami 1.Volcanic eruption under sea 2.Tectonic movement 3.Meteorite impact (disturbing water from above)
Loss of human lives Tamil Nadu 6000 Kerela650 Andhra Pradesh 120 Andaman & Nicobar islands 4000 Others1250
Losses in tsunami to marine wealth and coral reefs India’s pearl beds and coral reefs washed away in Tsunami India’s pearl beds and coral reefs washed away in Tsunami Ecosystem of coastal areas of mainland, Andaman & Nicobar islands worst hit. Ecosystem of coastal areas of mainland, Andaman & Nicobar islands worst hit. Loss of fishing industry, export of shrimps Loss of fishing industry, export of shrimps Country exports fish worth INR 60,000 million ($1350 US). Infrastructure crumbled. Country exports fish worth INR 60,000 million ($1350 US). Infrastructure crumbled.
Home Ministry Crisis Management Group Line of control Group of Ministers Chaired by P.M. Armed forces Transport of relief material National Control Room Receives information from D.M., Relief commissioner, I.B.
Stress on Indian Plate triggering earthquakes Tsunami was so powerful, its swept around the world in next 36 hrs. 50 times bigger than 9/11 attack Pacific Tsunami Warning System, 26 member countries.
Operations Launched India:Sea waves Sri Lanka: Rainbow Indonesia:Gambhir Maldives:Casper
Prime Minister of India Scientists can not remain silent witnesses. Scientists can not remain silent witnesses. Enhance disaster predictive capability and preparedness for floods, earthquakes, droughts, landslides and avalanches. Enhance disaster predictive capability and preparedness for floods, earthquakes, droughts, landslides and avalanches. Mitigation and management of the impact of natural disasters. Mitigation and management of the impact of natural disasters. Pre and post-disaster ability to manage the situation. Pre and post-disaster ability to manage the situation. Better use of science and technology to alleviate, if not prevent human sufferings. Better use of science and technology to alleviate, if not prevent human sufferings. Government is prepared to provide funds needed for research to evolve methodologies to cope with disasters. Government is prepared to provide funds needed for research to evolve methodologies to cope with disasters.
President of India to Scientists (92 nd Indian Science Congress) Develop tsunami prediction mechanism within next five years. Develop tsunami prediction mechanism within next five years. Seismologists, geologists and other scientists should join hands to evolve disaster related technologies. Seismologists, geologists and other scientists should join hands to evolve disaster related technologies. Need to study foreshocks during the seismic activity. Need to study foreshocks during the seismic activity. General awareness and to educate the people. General awareness and to educate the people.