The US Enters World War I How did the US mobilize its military to help the Allies achieve victory?
Mobilization Congress declared war on April 2,1917 Unprepared for war- drastic measures taken to build a large and modern army – Selective Service Act to raise an army – Economic expansion to support the army – Increased govt. control over economy – Raised money to pay for war
Propaganda to “Sell” the War
The Selective Service Act (May 1917) -Required men to register for draft because not enough volunteers -Women not allowed to enlist but allowed some in Army Corp of Nurses and in noncombatant positions in navy and marines
Economic Expansion Industrial production increased Greater focus on producing war materials Govt. encouraged efficiency and focused on shipbuilding Shipped goods to Europe using convoy system
Govt. Control Over Economy Congress gave Wilson control to – Increase regulation – Nationalize some war industries – Fix prices – Ration supplies – Oversee labor issues
Raising Funds Raised funds to pay for the war through – Increased taxes and new taxes – Increased borrowing by selling bonds
US Military in Combat Become involved in trench warfare Used new weapons- – Machine gun – Tank – Airplane – Antiaircraft gun – U-Boats – Poison gas – Observation balloons New hazards accompanied new weapons
French Renault Tank
The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
Flame Throwers Grenade Launchers
Poison Gas Machine Gun
Impact of US Troops Bring increased numbers, fresh energy and new strategies to the war Help win important battles – Stop German advance in France – Mount offensives against Germany
Would the Allies have won World War I without American entry into the war? 1.Yes 2.No
End of the War Armistice signed on Nov. 11, 1918 Treaty of Versailles signed on June 28, 1919 – Established new nations – Forced Germany to accept guilt and punishment – Created a League of Nations Created great loss of life and changes in Europe and US
What impact does WWI have on immigrants? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on women? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on African Americans? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on the role of government? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on the economy?> 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on health? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
What impact did WWI have on personal freedoms? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
How did WWI affect American society overall? 1.Mostly positive 2.Mostly negative
Were limitations on personal freedoms during WWI necessary? 1.Yes 2.Yes, but not to the extent that they were 3.No